Page 55 of Oracle Witch

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It doesn’t long, even a witch as powerful as Zohar can’t fix this forever. But with the combination of regular meds and the occasional spell to help me calm down, sleep, relax… well I’m not truly broken.

Zoe doesn’t know, not that I’m ashamed, but she’s got her own anxieties, her own mental health to focus on. She doesn’t need to be worried about me.

“Thanks,” I say, and he nods.

“Now, do you think they’ll be able to scrape his brain matter off the walls when I’m finished decorating them?” Zohar asks, smirking when he unleashes two waves of magicae that target the Blue Coats that were rounding the corner.

He doesn’t pause to assess whether they were here to help or not, because my best friend is great like that. Instead, he vaporises them, and it’s pretty cool.

Zohar is the one least likely to be doing this sort of behaviour, or at least, that’s what outsiders think. They’d assume he was brain-snatched, requiring an explanation for his abhorrent behaviour, but they’d be wrong.

Sort of. He hates it, hates using his healing powers to do the opposite, but that is the life we live.

* * *

“Wasn’t that super cool and impressive?” I ask, grinning at Zohar. Zohar’s fat head shakes as his monobrow furrows together.

“You didn’t fucking do anything,” he drawls, looking side to side as if he’s going blind. Maybe he’s got a lazy eye.

Honestly, he’s fucking clapped, so I wouldn’t be surprised.

“Sure. You did great.”

I just hate that he missed my impressive display of power. When he doesn’t give me any more praise, that paltry amount not enough, I pelt him with eggs.

Decorative eggs, of course, expensive, and lined with gold, probably.

“What is your issue?” Zohar snarls, batting the last one away with his mammoth hands, rounding on me with a ferocious look on his face. When he notices that I’m not giving him the attention he so desperately craves, his lip curls up as he snaps, “Ryes!”

But he’s lost my focus. Not that he deserved it anyway. I throw out a beam of air, knocking the three men who were advancing this way off their feet, and float myself over to them.

“Shit,” Zohar says before filling their lungs with water, blood, or a combination of both. I watch as they start coughing, gagging, and eventually die in front of us.

It was a pathetic death, to be honest.

“Impressive,” I lie. It was embarrassing, but the water witch doesn’t have many talents, so you’ve got to give him the little wins. “But I was going to deal with these ones. I caught them because you were too busy bitching.”

“I only missed them becauseyoudistracted me,” he snaps. “I would’ve gotten them otherwise.”

“Well, now you have,” I say, pouting as we walk away from the dead bodies. I kick one of them just to let out some of my anger, but it doesn’t help, even though I snapped a bone.

I’ve got a tendency to do that to them when they’re still alive, so the fact that I didn’t get to hear them cry out only rubs it in that Zohar has stolen from me.


Based on their clothing choices, it’s clear that they’re guards, not rebels, but that doesn’t make them any less our enemy. They were heading towards the vault where Zoe is with Mael, and honestly, nobody is going to get our girl.

Even if they weren’t going to touch her, their lives are forfeit for even thinking about it.

I’d snap their puny little wrists before they get the chance.Hm.

I race backwards, ignoring the shouting of my name from Zohar, and murmur my favourite little spell, “Intermissum.” It’s nice hearing the simultaneous snaps.

Eventually, we reach the doorway to the ballroom where Eirik is hiding with Necos, and probably Ciar and Etrix by now. They must’ve been cleaning up the rebels, since we only really got guards or people from the Blue Coats, the ones King Fat Head must’ve hired to try and take out Etrix.

It’s pretty pathetic, really. The way, even now, the Black Coats snub him.

I bang on the door loudly, using my magicae to amplify my hits, and Zohar sniggers. The door lurches open, and Necos stands there with a giant scowl on his face. Now, his face is usually abnormally shaped, and so the frown only makes him look even more heinous.
