Page 81 of Oracle Witch

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“We need to wake her and get them back in their graves or wherever they’ve come from before anyone notices,” Ciar says, his tone rising a few octaves as he jumps to his feet.

When the fuck did the prick sit down? There’s going with the flow, and there’s being extremely unhinged. Ciar is in the unhinged group because he’s so fucking dumb.

“Why the urgency?” I ask, an eyebrow raised.

The way he storms a few steps towards her has me concerned. He was the fucking one who said we should watch and see what happens. I wanted to haul her sweet ass back into bed over an hour ago, but no. The dark witch was like, we can see what she does, it’ll be good for her.

It’ll be good for fucking you when I stick my foot up your...

“Because despite dark witches not being able to raise the dead, we do have an affinity with death. Her magicae is reaching me first because of our bond,” Ciar hisses, shooting a glare at me before training his eyes back on Zoe. Oh fuck. Yes, that is extremely worth stopping my internal threats against him. “But it’s going to spread across campus very quickly since she’s using a lot of power right now to keep all these ghosts here.”


Clearly, my reaction wasn’t good enough because he spells it out again. “She’s a beacon for all the dark witches on campus, Ryes, and she’s going to have a lot to answer for if they see this. I estimate we have thirty minutes tops before the energy spreads and lets them in on what is happening.”

Well, shit.

I jog after him, both of us able to reach Zoe without the ghosts stopping us. Ghosts are dumb. If two random people were potentially going to cut off my power—or my access to the power source—I’d stop it. They didn’t even try to stop us from reaching her. Zoe may have raised an army of brain-dead ghosts.

“ZoZo, I need you to wake up now, baby,” I plead, shaking her lightly.

“You will not take her,”one of the ghosts warns.Finally!

“I will. She’s going to get hurt if you all remain here, and if she gets hurt, you die again. So, let’s go back to your little graves, and leave myanima nexumalone.”

“She’s our vessel,” another one croaks out. He’s missing an eye… where the fuck is his eye?

“Unless you want to lose your other eye, I’d drop the attitude,” I snarl, hearing Ciar talk to Zoe in the background. Hopefully, he can get her to wake up soon because she really needs to call off her pathetic army of braindead, eyeless ghosts.

“You can’t touch us, mortal,” the one-eyed freak taunts.

“Let’s try it,” I snarl, drawing on my element. I raise my left hand, having it in a clenched fist, each of them focusing on it like fucking idiots. I raise my index finger and start spinning it in a circular motion.

I don’t need the visualisation to channel air anymore, but it helps distract dumb fucks—and clearly ghosts. My other hand raises, doing the same action, and their eyes dart between the two, not sure where to look. It’s funny because the one-eyed ghost’s eye moves faster than the others.

“What is this?” a man asks, still looking between my hands. I’ve not fuelled my magicae yet because it’s not as fun when you can’t taunt them first. I like playing with my prey.

“Ever heard of a tornado?” I ask, and as recognition hits their faces, my magicae rushes out. Two tornados hit the centre of the group, and I don’t hold back in powering them up.

They start spinning into it, and as they’re spun and launched away, I start to cackle. This only agitates them into racing back over and getting caught back in the tornados. It’s quite funny, to be honest. Seems when the ghosts are on our plane, we can interact with them… I hope this doesn’t drain her too much because they could make for good sparring partners in the future. It’ll be interesting to fight with some dummies. They’re smarter than the actual dummies—or shadow people—but still not as good as real people.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Ciar roars, his worry for Zoe translating to anger towards me.Dickhead.

“You need to wake her up so she can call these back… but in the meantime, I’m going to play with them,” I reply, grinning.

I launch myself in the air, to avoid talking to him for any longer, and I land gracefully in front of a group that are smart enough to stay away from the tornadoes, but not smart enough to escape the area.

“Who wants to fight?”

“You’re an idiot,” Ciar yells. I can read his mind, so I don’t know why he’s acting like I don’t know he’s jealous. He’s saying he thinks I’m dumb, but in his mind, he’s wishing he was me. I love our girl but, thankfully, it only takes one of us to keep her safe.

I let the air form into a blade, and when the first ghost steps forward, I stab him. He doesn’t bleed, which is highly disappointing, but he does let out a very high-pitched cry. My feet are knocked out from underneath me, much to my amusement, and three of them launch themselves at my body, punching and kicking me.

I owe Zoe an orgasm for this. This is the most fun I’ve had in a while.

They’re not very strong, and they don’t weigh a lot, but the fact that I’m currently fighting three ghosts makes me laugh. My blade dissipates, and I turn to more creative methods. Asphyxiation is normally a fun power to use, but they don’t need to breathe, so it’s not as effective. Using it to blow out their eyeballs is quite funny, though.

A tug on my hair gets me angry because it’s a little immature to pull hair in a fight, but when I feel teeth bite into my thigh, I’m furious.
