Page 167 of Alpha Male

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She wore a rather bland black dress that did nothing for her curves. It seemed to drop down from her tits with no shape. Her hair was pinned back, and she didn’t wear any makeup.

He would make sure she got a wardrobe to enhance her gorgeous shape. No need to hide perfection. Whatever she wanted would be hers.

Willa offered him a shy smile, and he scented her arousal. Good, her body knew she belonged to him even if she didn’t.

“Hi, I’m sorry if I’m late,” Willa said.

“Right on time.”

He pulled out a chair, and Willa lowered herself into it, thanking him.

“Where’s Tyson?” Willa asked.

At first, Xander couldn’t speak. All he could do was look at her and admire everything he saw. She was a luscious, natural beauty. This was why he had to wait all these years. She was worth the wait.

“Mr. Blackhawk?” she asked.

“Call me Xander.”

“Um, okay. You didn’t mention where Tyson is.”

“My son decided it was in his best interest to stay at my hotel. He is being … stubborn, but I am hoping I can talk some sense into him.” Tyson was a proud boy. He hoped by questioning his ability to lead, it would set him on the right path. Signaling the waiter, he had the man come to take their order.

He wanted as much time with Willa alone as possible, and constantly being interrupted wasn’t going to help him.

“So, Willa, I would like to know everything there is to know about you,” Xander said. “I don’t want you to keep out any detail.”

Xander took a long, deep inhale of her scent, and it made his mouth water.

Chapter Three

This wasn’t good. Tyson wasn’t coming to dinner, which made this seem more like a date. His father likely didn’t see it that way, but she felt completely awkward being alone with him. This was supposed to be a parent and student meeting. Now he was asking her personal questions.

“There’s nothing much to tell. I’m the school librarian, and I tutor students in my extra time.” If she kept things professional, maybe she’d survive the evening.

“What about when you’re not working? What of your family?”

She shrugged. “I read and study mostly. I visit my mother once in a while, but she lives quite far away.”

“And you said you had no mate. Why is that?”


“Boyfriend. Lover.”

He was coming back to this topic, why?

This was quite an interrogation just to tutor his son. The restaurant suddenly felt way too hot. She tugged at her collar.

“I guess I just haven’t found Mr. Right.” That sounded better than the truth. Honestly, Willa didn’t see any future where she lived happily ever after in the traditional sense. She’d resigned herself to living alone … until Xander brought out all her deep-seated desires.

“Do you think you’ll know when you find him?”

“I really don’t know.” She pulled out the file she had on Tyson from her bag and set it on the table. “Do you want to review the work I’ve done with your son the past couple of months?”

He pushed the file to the side and took her hand instead. A jolt of energy passed through her entire body, settling right inher cunt. “This is dinner. There will be time for business later. You have to learn to enjoy yourself.”

Xander caressed her hand with his thumb, and the simple touch drove her body crazy, bringing sensations to life she didn’t even know possible.
