Page 248 of Alpha Male

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Keller studied her for a minute before nodding. “Let her use the john and then put her back in the closet. Then get someone in here to clean this mess up.”

The big man walked her down the hall to a windowless, single-stall restroom. After pushing her inside, he kept the door open with his back turned to her, allowing her only the very minimal privacy to do her business. With her bladder screaming at her, Katee quickly did her business. Then she washed her hands and rinsed out her mouth, before cupping her hands together to drink some water as she tried to come up with a way to escape.

But she had no clue where she was. Not just the location of the building, but where she was in the building or how to get to an exit door. The big man grabbed her arm gently and escorted her back to the office.

“Do I have to go back into the closet?” she asked, hoping she sounded pitiful.

“That’s what the boss wants. Get in there.” The big man opened the closet door.

Knowing she didn’t have the knowledge, strength, or energy to overpower the man, she stepped into the dark closetand sat down in the corner. A moment later, the door closed and darkness surrounded her once again.

Closing her eyes, Katee wondered if Toren had figured out she had left the pack house. Was he coming for her? Would she ever get the chance to tell him that somehow in the last week she’d fallen in love with him?

Chapter Eight

Toren tracked her scent across her grandmother’s property to where he remembered her car being parked. His men followed a few yards behind, giving him plenty of room to find and follow her scent without clouding it with their own.

When her scent disappeared, he started down the driveway, crossing back and forth until he picked up the faint, lingering scent of her car. Then he followed it toward town. It was a little-known fact that cars had their own individual scents, based on the types of gas and oil and other components.

By the time they reached town and found her car parked on Main Street, he was ready to tear anyone apart who got in his way. Her scent was barely there, and mixed with that of a few dozen other humans, but he was able to track her down the street from one shop to another until they reached a coffee shop.

There, her scent disappeared, replaced by two others that went straight to the sidewalk and disappeared. She had been taken by two men, one who reeked of onions and sweat, the other smelled of soap and a familiar cologne. The second was someone he’d met before.

But who was it?

Just then, three of the pack vehicles rolled into view. Duck climbed out of the first one and slowly approached the five large wolves.

“Keller just called. He knows where Katee is,” Duck said, sounding like death itself. “He wants to meet so he can return her.”

Keller. That was the oily, too-perfumed scent. Fighting the urge to give another angry howl, Toren looked up and down the street. He needed to get off Main Street to somewhere where he could change. Seeing a narrow opening between buildings, he headed there. Several yards down the alley, he shifted andquickly dressed.

By the time he finished, Duck was standing a few feet from the entrance, handing clothes out to the four naked men who had followed him from the house.

Once everyone was dressed, they spread out and climbed into the vehicles.

“Where and when is the meet?” Toren ground out.

“Thirty minutes at the overlook,” Duck said.

“Convenient place to dump bodies over the edge after the slaughter,” Toren said, not sure why he hadn’t thought of the other pack alpha to begin with.

Duck and the others in the SUV chuckled at his words as though they thought he was joking.

He wasn’t.


“Wake up, bitch. It’s time to go,” Stinky Man said as he nudged her foot harshly.

Katee jerked and opened her eyes, surprised she had been able to rest while waiting in the closet.

“Come on, let’s go.” The man took a step back.

She slowly rose and stepped out of the closet. Her guard allowed her to use the restroom before escorting her from the building to a parking lot where three SUVs were lined up and waiting.

He led her to the second one and helped her into the back seat. Keller was already seated on the other side. There were two men in the front seat as well. She was surprised when Stinky Man closed the door and walked away.

She immediately buckled herself in as the driver honked the horn one time. A moment later, the line of SUVs was moving.
