Page 260 of Alpha Male

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“What about the trip back?” The question was rhetorical. He would carry her back as well.

“If I need help, I’ll let you know.” Her eyes sparkled as she looked up at him. “You haven’t put me down.”

“I’ll let you know when I get tired.” There wasn’t much chance of that since she weighed virtually nothing. “Just point me in the right direction.”

“Take a right at that tree.” She pointed and relaxed a little, though there was still tension in her lithe body.

“What’s wrong?” He adjusted his hold. Had he touched something he shouldn’t have? After their breakfast, he wasn’t sure if there were any lines he wasn’t meant to cross, but perhaps he’d gotten that wrong?

“I get that I’m probably not what you had in mind for a mate. You wanted someone with bigger boobs, right? Taller? Prettier?”

He almost dropped her. “You think you’re not pretty enough?”

“It’s obvious you don’t think so. Well, the brain in your head at least. Your other brain didn’t seem to object.”

His head was spinning from trying to keep up with her bizarre train of thought. “Other brain?”

“Yeah. The one in your…” She looked down, and he rolled his eyes.

“I just never thought I’d find my mate, okay? I didn’t want to find you.” The moment he said it, he felt like an asshole.

“Why not? Everyone wants to find their mate.”

“And did you think your mate would be like me?”

Her gaze wandered over his face, and she shrugged. “I kept an open mind. Fate gives you what it gives you. Just because I lucked out and you’re gorgeous…”

Magnus stopped walking. Shock froze his muscles. “I’mwhat?”

Her grin lit up her face. “Sorry to break it to you, but you’re hot.”

She clearly hit her head or something. “I should have called the doctor or taken you down to the hospital. Head trauma can be tricky.”

Nari’s laughter warmed something in his chest. “I didn’t hurt my head, idiot. I’m telling you that you’re hot.”

Shaking his head, he kept walking. It had to be pheromones or something. Was there such a thing as mate goggles? Like beer goggles but obviously much more distorting.

“Fine, don’t believe me. But it’s every woman’s right to think that her mate is the most handsome male in existence.”

She was right, he didn’t believe her. Though, she was the most gorgeous woman he’d ever laid eyes on. But he was hardly going to tell her that. He needed to convince her that they were incompatible.

“So, you’re hot and I’m not, right? I’ve got it straight?”


“Then enlighten me. Why do you not want me?”

“It’s not you,” he grumbled. “You’re beautiful. Any man would be lucky to have you.”

“Just not you.”

He sighed. “I don’t mean to offend you, but I don’t want a mate. I’ve seen what that kind of damage a bond can do, and I just don’t want it.”

Nari peered into his eyes, and for an instant, he thought he could see the beginning of tears. She blinked, and they were gone. “It’s not like you can choose.”

“Well, I do. I choose not to have a mate. Why do you think I live up here alone? I don’t want to be with anyone.”

