Page 35 of Alpha Male

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“I think I’m going to have my mate again before we leave. Make you scream one last time,” he replies before taking my nipple in his mouth again.

For long hours, he fucks me and makes love to me, making sure I scream before we head back toourpack.



This past week has been bliss. The moment we returned home, I moved Kira in with me. She still has some things out with the Katu Pack, but her friend Talia is bringing it all with her today. Tonight, we will have the formal mating ceremony in front of the entire pack to make it official.

“What are you grinning about?” Silas asks as he walks into my office.

“This is what happiness looks like.”

“You look like a fucking loon,” he says.

“When you find your mate, you’ll understand.” I smile even more brightly. “She makes everything better. Hell, she makes me better.”

“I’m happy for you, man.” My friend smiles back at me.

“How’s Odette holding up?” I don’t really want to talk about her, but I don’t want a repeat of the day Kira’s father wasburied.

“She’s better. She and my mother have gone to visit some friends for the weekend.” Silas sighs. “I didn’t want her around for the ceremony.”

“I know this is hard. Thank you for everything you have done,” I say as I round my desk. I give Silas a brotherly hug.

The door to my office flies open so hard it cracks against the wall.

“Well, where is she?” a small woman asks. She looks like a pixie. Spiky black hair, a tiny build, but the most beautiful indigo eyes I have ever seen.

Silas immediately positions himself in front of me, trying to keep me safe from the unknown.

The woman I now know to be Talia runs her gaze from the top of his head to his feet and back up again before dismissing him. She saunters deeper into my office. “Well?” she asks again.

“Kira!” I shout. “Talia’s here!”

It only takes a moment for my mate to come running into my office. Both women embrace each other with so much love and affection it fills my heart.

“Talia, this is Rowan, my mate,” Kira introduces.

I go to shake her hand, but the little pixie woman just jumps up, wrapping her arms around my neck and embracing me tightly. “Thank you,” she whispers into my ear, to which I just nod.

“And this is Silas,” Kira says after Talia has let me go.

Talia bursts out laughing. She laughs so hard she doubles over, eventually just sitting on the floor as her laughter dissipates.

“This”—Talia gestures with her hand—“is your feared bully?”

Kira blushes deeply while Silas looks mortified. “Yes,” Kira replies sheepishly.

“No!” Talia looks shocked as her gaze flits back to Silas. “You put Max on his ass. You can’t be afraid of this.” Again, she makes a dismissive gesture.

“Watch yourself, pup,” Silas says lowly.

After lifting herself off the floor in a move so graceful I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t seen it, Talia walks up to Silas. “The five men outside guarding your alpha’s house. Who trained them, kitty cat?” Talia asks, mocking Silas.

“I did,” Silas answers with pride.

“They need more training,” Talia says before taking hold of Kira’s hand and leading her out of my office.
