Page 12 of Noah

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“I’m intrigued, mermaid. Where did you go?”

“Isthmus Ink.” I knew her one day and she had a nickname for me. Granted, it was probably the least masculine and sexy name I could have thought of for myself, but it was her nickname for me and—

She smacked my stomach again. “I love that place!”

“Jesus, Lizzie! Stop beating me up!” I walked toward her, wrapping my left arm around her shoulders, guiding us forward. If we stood any longer without moving, talking about our bodies, I might have died. Our bodies…she had tattoos too! Dead.

“Where are your tattoos, Lizzie?” I had to bite my lip, curiosity threatening the best of my resolve, as Lizzie turned her face to mine and slowly winked.

She wiggled a thin finger at me, shaking her head admonishingly. “I can’t share that with my friends, Noah,” she taunted. I liked her game. She was captivating, and I didn’t even know her last name. It didn’t matter; I’d find out soon enough. After all, she proposed earlier.

“We’re getting married,” I playfully reminded her of her flirting gaffe in the hospital. “We’re more than friends, Lizzie.”
