Page 29 of Noah

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“We,” Sean teasingly cooed with a sigh, grinning at me and glancing at Ella.

“Sean, isn’t that adorable?” She giggled, covering her mouth with a blush. “It’s just…Lizzie’s just…Sean, help me.” I turned to peer at him at my side, relaxing at his calm laughter that accompanied his shaking head.

“Oh my god,” his head dropped against the back of his chair, “you three are ridiculous.”

“I’m starting to understand that,” I teased, winking at Ella. “Yes, Ella, I have a dog. He’s old as dirt. Lizzie’s incredible. You guys don’t need to interview me. Lizzie and I are great.”

“Interview,” Sean goaded, “I thought it was more like an assigned interrogation. Why else did the guilty disappear?”

I turned in my chair, catching his tipped head and suspicious expression while he smiled around the lip pierced in his teeth. “I’m just saying, it’s exactly like those three to be up to no good.”

“Jesse likes gossip. He pretends he doesn’t, but sometimes my magazines end up in the bathroom and our bedroom before I even check the mail,” Ella added. “It’s infuriating. What do you think they’re talking about?”

“Noah.” Sean scoffed, “Obviously, Ell.”

“I hope Lizzie’s telling them something good, then,” I muttered, “because there isn’t much to tell about me.”

“What’s the grossest thing you’ve seen on the job?” Ella’s eyes widened with intrigue as she leaned forward in her seat. “Blood and guts and all sorts of questionable stuff?”

“Ella,” Sean stopped her ramble. “Can you do me a huge favor and ask Avery if she packed my medication?” She nodded eagerly, stumbling out from her chair and rushing to the kitchen within two seconds of him asking.

“Just so you know,” he told me when Ella cleared the room, “I took my medication before dinner, and I don’t expect anyone else to get it for me. I just wanted Ella to leave for a minute. I love her like she’s my baby sister,” he pulled his hands along his face, his voice rumbling with affectionate laughter, “but Ella is worse than Lizzie sometimes.”

“I believe it,” I agreed with a smile. “They’re three peas in a pod.”

“Exactly.” Sean turned to me. “I’m glad you came for dinner tonight, and I’m sorry it’s been so long before we’ve actually met. Lizzie’s really…I don’t know how to say it. She’s…protective of you.”

“And of you.”

He smiled, his eyes wandering to the table, mindlessly watching light reflect on Lizzie’s place settings instead of looking at me. “I really did a lot of damage over the last year. I bet Lizzie’s told you all about it?”

“No,” I replied. “Your story belongs to you. I’d love to hear it someday, though, if you ever feel like talking. I know just what I need to know, and only because I was there that day and…”

“Because you’re falling in love with one of my best friends,” Sean murmured, chuckling to himself. My heart stopped; it was his accusation and the distraction of everyone rushing into the dining room. Avery complained of her hips hurting as she wiggled into a seat between Sean and Jesse, Ella was laughing about something while carrying in the bottle of champagne, and Lizzie…

“Mermaid,” she nudged my arm with her hip, nodding to the center of the table already full of food and cutlery, “can you move the trivet, please?”

I complied, still feeling it was difficult to breathe as I let my gaze wander along her arm, up to her bare shoulder, and down the curve of her side. I knew exactly the color of lace she wore under her dress, but thinking of how quickly I wanted to take it off once her friends left wasn’t what had my heart and lungs in a knot.

Their conversation swirled before anything was sliced or served. The lasagna, which we agreed was too hot for a summer night, but the only thing Lizzie said she knew how to make, sat in the center of the table, cooling while a quiet observer of their epic friendship. Lizzie’s fingers intertwined with mine, squeezing reassuringly while everyone listened to Ella discuss a plot to sicken her boss and Avery’s divulgence of her complex food cravings.

“Noah?” I heard Avery’s voice over the overwhelming silence. I blinked a few times, glancing around once Lizzie squeezed my thigh and brought me back to the moment. I didn’t know where I went or how long I’d been out, but everyone stared at me expectantly, and I felt like a damn fool.

“I’m sorry,” I uttered. I turned to Lizzie, her expression full of concern. “I had a really rough shift today. I guess I’m just out of it.”

She squeezed my leg once more, letting out a proud laugh to break the silence. “Damn straight. He saved lives today. What did you all do?”

“I made the garlic bread.” Ella shrugged, pouting when Jesse shook his head.

“I’m growing two lives,” Avery quipped. “Garlic bread, Ella. Seriously.” I dropped my head forward, listening to them while Lizzie rested her head on my shoulder. I turned slightly, just enough to softly kiss her hair.

“Speaking of saving lives,” Jesse cleared his throat as he stood from his chair, “I’ll be right back.”

Sean pushed back his chair, leaving just enough space for him to lean over the table and refill everyone’s champagne. “Want me to blow some bubbles in your water, Bean?”

Jesse returned, carrying his laundry basket of crumpled towels, before Avery could use her knife to filet Sean, who had already lowered his face to nuzzle hers. Their noses rubbed back and forth, his hands knotted in her hair, and she sighed blissfully. It was…precious.

“This is nothing, really,” Jesse huffed as he put the basket on the table, squeezing it between Lizzie and me, “but just some things to thank you. The pan of snickerdoodles is for Lizzie, though.”
