Page 23 of Celestia, Year One

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A few shifters looked at me, the councilmen included, but I stood my ground, maintaining a blank expression while I waited for Garrett to continue.

The councilman seemed pleased with my confidence, giving me a smirk and returning to look at the crowd before him.

"Follow me over to the testing hall," he commanded, walking off the stage and into the crowd.

There was a low murmur that descended through the crowd as the herd of people headed to the testing hall. There were staff members in gold and purple uniforms, directing those who were confused or had questions regarding the written exam.

I hadn’t made it three steps before someone shoved me over, my body crashing into someone else. Their arm wrapped around my waist to stop me from falling; a low huff escaped them.

I blinked, lifting my head to apologize.

"I'm terribly sorry. Seems people are rather pushy today," I expressed.

Bright green eyes similar to my right one met my gaze; his slender face, sharp jaw, and smooth pale skin made me blush.

Then I realized his arm was still securely wrapped around my waist while the other students seemed to move around us as if there was some type of bubble protecting us. The most eye-catching feature of this gorgeous six-foot male was his short hair.

"You have pink hair?" I blurted out before I could stop myself. Let's be real, I could imagine girls having pink hair and I'd seen plenty of magazines from different dimensions sporting the color, but I'd never seen a male with that type of light pink hair looking so handsome and confident until this moment.

He chuckled, rotating my body in his arms so I faced him; his green eyes twinkled with amusement while they scanned me from head to toe.

"Well, pixies are known to have pink or purple hair. On some occasions, we're born with green." He winked, pausing to glance around the stadium that was already mostly empty.

"And I agree. It does seem like everyone is pushy today. Not like the test is going to grow wings and fly away," he grumbled, returning to look down at me. He leaned in to whisper into my ear, "But between you and me, I've heard they've done that before and students had to chase after their papers for three hours," he revealed.

I gawked at him. "Seriously?" I asked.

He nodded. "Legit. It was rather interesting, or so I hear. Wish I could have seen it myself," he admitted.

He released me, his hands sliding from my hips and into the pockets of his dark blue jeans. He wore a dark green polo shirt that I knew was an expensive brand by the stitching and embroidered logo.

I looked him up and down, the word "pixie" lingering in my mind. I tilted my head in confusion, deciding to ask him what was bothering me.

"Aren't pixies supposed to know, small? Tiny? Little people," I inquired, raising an eyebrow while I continued to stare at his attractive frame. I had to admit, I wasn't wowed easily, but he wasn't bad on the hot scale, an eight out of ten minimum.

He grinned. "Oh, about that. Well you see, my dick didn't fit the job description, so they had to jack me up a few sizes. You're lucky my bad boy fits into these tight blue jeans. You can have a look if you want, if you don't believe me." He winked with a wide grin on his face.

For the love of pixie.I returned his grin with my own smile, looking him over one more time.

"Those jeans look rather loose in my opinion, so it must not be that impressive down there." I winked, loving the way his cheeks flushed. I laughed, turning to head to the exit. I heard his low chuckle, his footsteps not too far behind me.

Pixie boy ended up walking next to me which was a relief due to how crowded the hall had become. I didn't know if he had some special power to make people stay out of his way, but everyone tried to avoid us or at least gave us space, unlike everyone else who looked like packed sardines.

We found the section to check-in our luggage for safekeeping. I handed the attendant the pink and white luggage first, followed by the black case strapped on my back, but removing my dual swords and strapping them to my back for easy access.

I didn't know what would happen after the exam, but I assumed we'd be going straight to part two and not getting any chill time.

We entered the test center which already looked packed; my eyes scanned the large room for a seat. Each time I spotted a potential seat, it was taken a second later. I frowned, unsure what to do when I felt a hand slip into mine.

I glanced to my left to see Pixie boy looking around the room. His green eyes looked focused but his blank expression didn't give me any clues as to what he was thinking. They narrowed for a moment and a playful grin formed on his lips.

"Found somewhere. C'mon, Cutie Pie." He gently tugged my hand, maneuvering us through the crowd that continued to move out of his way.

Cutie Pie? Hmm. Weird.

We ended up on the other side; an empty table for two came to view. He let go of my hand to pull out a chair for me, ushering for me to sit down.

I gave him my thanks, stunned that this table remained unclaimed while students left and right seemed to throw themselves on desks to preserve their spot. It was when I was seated that I realized there were only half as many tables as there were applicants.
