Page 56 of Celestia, Year One

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The look sent shivers through me, but I pretended not to notice, merely nodding in agreement and turning back to Othello. "What do you say, Othello? Do we have a reasonable deal?" I questioned.

He slid off the desk, walking over to where I stood. I wasn't intimidated by his approach, standing my ground.

I may have been shy and kept to myself back at home, but I'd dreamt of being a student at this school for as long as I could remember. Now that I had a team that accepted and protected me with no ill intentions, I didn't want to let them go and I definitely wanted to find who did this.

His calculating gaze stared into my determined one. We stood in silence for what seemed like a full minute before a wide smile formed on his lips.

"You've trained your student well, Magnor. She's stubborn, like her parents," Othello revealed, looking to Magnor who was grinning.

"She's one of my best," Magnor acknowledged.

I smiled at him, touched by his words.

Othello turned back to me. "Alright, Team Misfits. I accept your offer. I guess I should be the first to say it. Welcome to Aslan Academy."

* * *

"How do we have this big-ass house and there are only three rooms? That's fucking stupid," Hunter complained.

"It shouldn't be a big deal. I don't think the other teams have seven members," Finn remarked.

"Twins share beds half the time anyway," Theo pointed out.

"But Cairus is a blanket hogger!” Caio argued.

Cairus shrugged, "Not my fault. You steal the pillows anyways," Cairus stated.

"I get to stay in Celestia’s room," Orion volunteered.

"Oh nah. She's not sleeping in the same room as you," Hunter argued.

"You can sleep on the floor. I already claimed Cutie Pie," Finn argued.

"Claimed, my ass." Theo rolled his eyes.

"Yet he was knocked out for half the fight," Caio said to Cairus.

"And totally missed out on Celestia's unicorn epicness," Cairus replied.

"Can you two stop reminding me of how I missed Cutie Pie in her majestic unicorn glory?" Finn snapped.

"Celestia's not sleeping in the same room as you, Orion," Hunter returned to the topic.

"Why not? It's the perfect arrangement," he stated simply.

"Perfect in what way?" Hunter countered.

"Theo is gonna sleep in the same room as Cairus and Caio and since they sleep in the same bed, that's one room down. You and Finn are best buddies, and won't kill one another so you can share a room. That leaves me and Celestia," he explained.

"Sleep on the couch," the others said in unison.

"I'll get acne," he replied. I grinned at the comment, wondering how Orion’s perfect complexion could possibly get acne from sleeping on the couch.

"I can't believe this," Hunter grumbled.

"Cutie Pie! Help over here," Finn called out.

I opened my eyes, lifting my head from the kitchen island. "I don't care where I sleep. Just figure it out amongst yourselves," I mumbled, resting my head back down.
