Page 19 of He Who Haunts Me

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The prick wasn’t very ballsy now with his nose at my neck.

Brent piped, “Can you not start this, Dan? Seriously, it’s not your place to police people’s actions.” It surprised me a little. He didn’t have much of a backbone with this crowd. Daniel backed up and settled against the wall. I threw Brent a nod and started my way out.

“Don’t need me, don’t text me,” I said as a farewell.

It wasn’t anyone’s business where I’d be or my reasons for it. I didn’t like Trisha, so what? Not liking someone wasn’t a criminal offense.

Mrs. Whitcomb gave me a squinted look as she watched me exit out of the library. Everyone’s gaze and secret thoughts were too much for the day and the sharp pain of a headache started.

I needed a smoke break. I cut through Admin’s main offices to cross campus. The backside of the building led to the campus lake, and it was the perfect spot for a hideaway smoke.

Besides the library supply closet.

There was a little flicker inside me at the memory of Bex on her knees in front of me. I fought a little smirk as I pushed open the door.

I trampled over a small figure who squeaked in sudden surprise.

“Jai.” Bexley’s grip was tight on my shirt to keep herself from falling, but my hand naturally fell to her waist. It took everything to not caress her and bury my face against her neck. Her blue eyes were red-rimmed and red splotches tinted her cheeks.

My only response was an awkward chin lift, so I didn’t give away our one-sided game. Inside I was burning, wondering why she had been crying and who caused it.

“Sorry we took so long,” Mari sweetly offered up. She sounded exhausted. “They had a lot of questions and kept having us run through our night.” I cut my gaze to her, and she subtly nodded behind her.

I looked over Bexley’s head to see an older man in a suit with two officers by his side. He locked his eyes on mine, and I knew he’d only been waiting for me to look up.

His glare dropped to Bex, and I was very aware that I still held her against me. But I didn’t move to change our embrace. I missed her too much.

His face was questioning, and I could practically hear wheels turning as he worked us over.What did they ask her?

A sniffle broke my concentration on the man, and I caught Bex swiping at her nose. Mari patted her friend’s back in comfort. I opened my mouth, secret be damned. Before I could ask, Mari offered answers.

“They grilled her hard about the party even though she couldn’t give them a name. The detective wasn’t even a hard-ass, but the officer was more than happy to subtly slut-shame her and call her unhelpful.” Mari took a deep sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose. “It didn’t help that Kiera was putting this on her plate.”

I swirled my fingers in small circles across her back before I could talk myself out of it. This was going to come to light at some point, and if I wasn’t selfish, I’d just say it now. And I wanted to, so badly.

With my free hand, I moved my thumb over the crest of her cheek, catching another escaped tear. I was burning up inside that some asshat made her cry. Moreover, I was the reason she was shamed. I had to bury the rage that wanted to rumble in my chest.

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to cry all over you after running you down.” I almost laughed at that as she took the back of her hand across her cheek again, and I leaned in by her ear so that Mari, and the detective especially, wouldn’t be privy.

“You can cry on any part of me, knock me over, and steal my private spaces any time. I told you, Bex, I’ll never leave you to suffer,” I whispered before taking a quick kiss.

I winked over her head to Mari as I sauntered in their opposite direction. I didn’t look back to her even though I knew she was gaping at me, and Mari was beginning to probe her for what I’d said. Their squealing and laughing echoed down the corridor.

If I had to see her like that again, I’d have no restraint against sweeping her away.

I’m fucked.

Chapter 6

October 13, 2020


“Hey, Brent,” I said with hesitance as I walked into the study room. I was startled to see him so early. I had told him yesterday I wanted to reschedule after finding out about Trisha. It made me sick to think I was at the same party with the killer lurking around.

It was even more troublesome that they planted the seed that Ghost was responsible.

“Sorry, I know you said after lunch, but I had some free time, so I thought I’d get a head start.” He paused, his eyes lingering on me. “Do you mind that?”
