Page 31 of He Who Haunts Me

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Detective Bishop

“Another student,” Stan confirmed as he walked into our meeting. Andy had joined me earlier with a collective file on Trisha. “This is Meredith Sinclair.” Stan slid over her driver’s license and school photo. It was a drastic difference from the face we met last night.

“Beautiful woman, brunette, athletically inclined, college student, and in her twenties,” Andy voiced gravelly. “It’s the same victimology as the last one.”

“We have a preference and a repeat offender. We’re going back today. All three of us,” I declared, standing and collecting the file folders on both victims. “Someone on that damn campus has seen something, heard someone, but they just don’t realize the importance.”

“Should we call the FBI?” Stan questioned, following my lead out.

“We don’t have three kills yet, but it’s clear this is only the beginning. We can always ask for a consultation, but I don’t see them sending a team this week.” I stepped aside to let Andy through the door.

“Coroner said we can expect a report by noon; it’s top priority again. I’m starting to get phone calls, so I imagine your phone hasn’t stopped ringing?” she asked as we walked through the bullpen of officers.

“I wouldn’t know.” I laughed as we stepped into the drizzly weather. “I’ve been ignoring anything that isn’t Diane.”

“Noah!” Her mock outrage was followed by laughter. We piled into Stan’s car, and he set us on the route for the college.

“Okay, Andy, I want you to reach out to female students. I had the school send an email out and they said they’ll prepare a private space for you and any student who comes to offer information and leads. Stan, I need you to help me get information on the fraternity as painlessly as possible.” Andy pulled out her phone and began sending off messages and emails. Stan adjusted his glasses and looked over at me.

“What are you doing today?”

“I’ll be with you, but I’m observing today. The first girl, Bexley, there’s a little mystery there with her masked admirer. I also want to find the male student I saw her with. Admin wouldn’t give me information, so hopefully he has a class today.” I opened my notebook to the entries regarding Trisha. Names. Dates. Schedules.Stress.

A headache was starting between my eyebrows.

“We have a few minutes to spare,” I said, making a show of looking at my watch. “Stop for some coffee; I have a feeling we’re gonna need the boost.”

“Hello, Florence. Detectives Noah Bishop, Andraya O’Neill, and Stan Hatcher.”

The receptionist straightened when we showed her our badges.

“Yes, hello again. We have a conference room reserved as you requested. It’s room 2A.” She handed Andy the key and looked between Stan and me when we didn’t follow Andy. “Are there more accommodations you gentlemen need?”

“I was hoping there’d be someone available who’d be able to tell us information about one of your fraternities.” Stan’s hands slid into his pockets as he rested against her counter.

“Possibly, a few of the advisors may be available. If they don’t answer your questions, I can arrange a meeting with our dean or president.”

I looked to Stan to see if he was satisfied with those terms, too.

“That sounds great,” he responded. “Where can we meet them?”

“They have their own shared office space, but I can have the one you’re looking for meet you in a private office.” She pulled out a directory. “Which fraternity do you have questions for?”

“Sigma,” he responded casually. I turned my back toward them and watched the students mill about through the common areas and hallways.He’s not here.They continued to discuss trivial things while the phone rang and rang: the weather, the cashmere sweater, the things decorating her desk. I drowned them out to a buzz, my eyes still scanning.

The exit for the building across from us opened and a large figure ducked out of the frame.That’s him.

His clothing style, tousled hair, piercings, and tattoos peeking out from his collar were hard to miss. I walked through the doors automatically, desperate to know what he was hiding.

His head pointed down as he looked at his phone while walking toward the school’s parking lot.

“Hey!” I called out, but he didn’t turn around. However, he wore a band shirt. “Hey,Metallica!” His stride halted and he turned around hesitantly.

Chapter 10

October 19, 2020

