Page 40 of He Who Haunts Me

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“What do you want, Juvie?” Daniel wore a cocky sneer and shifted his weight to size me up. I was easily taller by more than his dick’s worth.

“Don’t talk about Bex like that,” I threatened. It had been a long time since I wiped someone’s nose with my boot.

“Or what?” He spat, looking me up and down. I slid my hands down the front of my thighs, bending until I was eye-level with the shitbag. A sinister smile spread across my face.

“Or your throat becomes well acquainted with my right foot,” I vowed. His cocky expression faltered. “Do you know why I ended up in juvie, Pis?”It wasn’t exactly this, but he doesn’t need to know that.

“You were in juvie?” Gregory blurted from our right.I almost forgot his dumb ass was here.His blonde curls were sticking to his forehead from the new layer of sweat.

“Yes, Gregory. You’requiteperceptive.” I straightened again and stepped closer to Daniel. The tip of my boots touched his bare toes. “Remove the idea of getting anywhere near Bexley’s ass from your smooth brain.”

“Why, you think you have a chance at tasting that sweet little cu—” he choked on the word as my hand circled his throat and I cut off his oxygen. His face bloomed red.

“Sorry, I couldn’t hear you, Pis. What’d you say?” I goaded him while Gregory backed up with his beer clutched closer to his chest. Daniel gasped, receiving nothing as he pushed on my forearm. Gargled noises were the only thing coming from his gaping mouth.

“Come on, Dan-Dan. You can use your big boy words,” I patronized as his face darkened from freshly-spanked red to a berry-like shade. His eyes watered and unfocused. I released him before he completely lost consciousness.

He heaved and coughed violently as he struggled to stay upright. Gregory started toward him, but a glare from me kept his feet planted.

“I’m not allowed to inflict more damage than that, Daniel. Keep in mind, I’d happily be incarcerated again where Bexley is concerned.”

He gagged over the railing in a dramatic fashion. It was hard to resist rolling my eyes.

“You—” He coughed some more. “F-fuckin—” he stuttered as saliva pooled and dribbled over his lip. I nodded my head in encouragement for him to finish. “Crazy—”

“Yeah, I am crazy. Don’t fuck up in my presence again.” I looked at his idiot friend who flashed his hands in understanding and looked away.

I jerked the door and the hinges groaned in response. I bypassed everyone with whispers and stares and headed straight for the stairs. They could wait for our lovely guests; I was going to be in my room until the last possible minute. The person I was desperate to see wouldn’t be walking through those doors tonight.


I sat at my desk and my notes stared back at me. Two exams down, and a couple more to go.

It was a little later in the evening, probably just after nine or so. Mari had left moments earlier to meet Brent and Draven for the party. It would be a lie to say I felt no regret, but it was the safest option in my eyes. Campus admin weren’t outright saying it was serial activity, but they warned those that matched the description of our deceased classmates to take extra caution.

Be aware of your surroundings.

It would be easier to take better care if the police were able to offer any bit of help as to what the hell was actually happening. Nearly three weeks had passed, and they had nothing to release.

I opened my textbook again and read through the basics of criminal psychology.

I don’t even know what to apply here.I rubbed my temples.

My phone started ringing and I looked down, but the contact was unlisted.

“Hello?” I hesitated. It was unusual to get random calls this late. But I also worried that something had happened, and it was Mari trying to get in touch.

“Hi, this is Detective Bishop. I’m hoping to speak to Bexley? We spoke a few weeks back.” He sounded too exhausted for it to be this early in the evening.

“Yes, this is she. Can I help you, detective?”

“First, could you tell me where you are?” There was some background noise and shuffling of papers.

“Um, I’m just at my apartment. It’s the first off-campus housing building. Do you need me to—”

“No!” He cut me off and startled me. “No, that’s perfect. Sorry, have you been anywhere tonight?”

“No, sir. I’ve just been studying at home.” I picked at the fuzz balled on my sweater. “I don’t understand why this is necessary to know.”
