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Aleera and Cyrus seemed very glad she had no real connections to the supernatural world. It seemed they believed a lot of people wouldn’t think twice about betraying them for the right amount of money or for the gleeful chance to try and sour relations in their family. In a way, Sasha felt a little pity for Cyrus – along with a smattering of rage and indignation on his behalf.

He tried so hard. So damn hard. Even when he had every reason to spit in his father’s face and drag the family name through the mud, he still kept things separate and still tried to respect his father’s stance and rulings. He wanted the freedom to fight and to make his own way, but he didn’t want to mess things up with his family in the process. She could respect that kind of stance. Even if she found it a little sad to think that a family could bethatbroken.

Although her family was poor, although they teetered along the poverty line and damaged their health and ambition beyond the point of no return – they were hard-working, kind souls. It just had been difficult for them to rise beyond their station without connections and opportunities, and they were always one paycheck away from being thrown out on the streets.

That was the cycle Sasha wanted to break.

After a particularly boring meeting with a warlock to arrange a fight between Cyrus and one of the warlock’s fighters, Cyrus asked her to come home with him.

“It seems the witch in charge of your protection has arrived to sign the contract with my sister, and she would like you to be there as well.”

After a short trip to Cyrus’ apartment on the much fancier side of the city, Sasha walked through the doors of an apartment so far out of her own price range that she couldn’t stop staring. Luxurious but simple, sleek, and contemporary, with monochrome shades throughout.

His sister was seated on a black sofa with a woman who had cold gray eyes that seemed to glow. The woman’s hair was black and dreadlocked, and she wore what looked like an ankh around her neck along with other symbols that Sasha didn’t recognize.

Aleera stood up, beaming. “Finally! I was wondering if you two had crashed or something along the way. Sasha, Cyrus, this is Imogen. She’s the witch we’re employing to make sure Sasha doesn’t get cursed or enchanted by a supernatural when she’s doing our deals or has to make any public appearances.”

Imogen nodded curtly, looking a little less than impressed to see Sasha. “You know, the supernatural world is a dangerous one for humans to associate with. It’s the world where you get stolen away by fairies in the night, end up in contracts you never asked for, or in unions with creatures you never quite expected. Even trusting witches or warlocks isn’t always the best thing.” Imogen gave a rather dark smirk. “After all, there are a lot of things you can do with someone’s blood… which I will need to cast my protection on you.”

Sasha shivered while Cyrus let out a rather dramatic sigh. “Imogen, can we please not scare her away with your dramatics? I’d like to actually keep this one around if you don’t mind.”

At those words, Imogen’s dark expression immediately dropped. “Okay, fine. No dramatics. Happy?”

Sasha blinked. “You’re all very strange people.”

They all grinned, and the atmosphere lightened, making Sasha feel significantly more welcomed than she was before. Imogen did need to take a little bit of Sasha’s blood, and the way they did it was to prick a spot on her arm, and then put a plaster over it since it would be the least inconvenient. A few drops of Sasha’s blood led to Imogen working on several rituals, all with peculiar-smelling incense, crystals, dried herbs, and symbols.

“I need to renew the protection every week – and in addition, I’ll have to be close to you so I’ll be able to tell if someone’s trying to breach the protections.” Imogen smiled. “Don’t worry. I can take a punch or two.”

Sasha smiled back. “It’s a lot of effort you’re all going through just to make sure I have some safety in the supernatural world.”

“Worth every cent,” Cyrus murmured. There was something in his eyes that made Sasha shiver. She remembered how those eyes seemed to stare at her as if examining her soul. Her fascination with Cyrus from the start.

She’d be lying a little if she didn’t admit a part of the reason why she took them up on the deal was so she could be around Cyrus more. Get to know him as a person. Get to try and understand what exactly it was about him that had her so intrigued.

He just… had that effect on her.

They ate dinner together – a simple affair, except the spice level of the food waswayhigher than what Sasha preferred, so she almost gagged from the burn that hit the back of her throat.

“Ah,” Cyrus said, slightly apologetic as Sasha gulped down two glasses of water. “Sorry. Dragon taste buds tend to like a big kick from spices.”

Imogen, who had discreetly refused the spiciest of the selection, smiled rather thinly. “Yes, this is why I hate eating around dragons. You guys literally have no taste buds left because you’ve scorched them away with these ridiculous spice combinations.”

“That’s not true!” Aleera exclaimed, even while shoveling an unhealthy amount of spiced chicken into her mouth. “We just like our food to actuallytastelike something!”

Note to self,Sasha thought.I’ll ask my parents to prepare some stupidly spicy dishes for these two when they come to Thanksgiving.

Though she still didn’t know if they absolutely would – she could picture the scene in her head. Cyrus, happy as a clam, getting along with her father – Aleera and her mother talking about the latest fashions or what they thought of certain movies and artists. Her sister gawked at them both in fascination, asking a million weird questions. While rain fell outside the little apartment, they sat within, cozy and warm, enjoying the family time together.

Not that… they were family or anything. But the thoughts ignited a kind of longing in Sasha. That one day, she’d be able to do this with a family of her own. In a grand house that she bought. A huge dining table with fancy ornaments and set pieces. A fat, roasted turkey and all the sauces and toppings that went with it. The kind of dinner that went on postcards and was depicted in movies in grand mansions of wealthy families. She wanted to taste that tradition too.

She wanted the same thing for all the holiday events. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter – everything to be completely over the top. Just because she could. To walk into a market and buy the best cut of everything rather than carefully pluck through food and use a calculator to make sure she wasn’t a cent over what she could afford.

Aleera went to get less spicy offerings for the human and witch guests, and they were able to spend the rest of their evening not dying of thirst. After that, going home was a simple thing, all to start their routine over again the next day, and the day afterward.

* * *

Without the stress of money hovering over her conscience, Sasha found herself able to take a step back and look at life. Notice things she previously gave no notice of because what did it matter in the end? Pretty scenery wasn’t going to make sure she was fed at the end of the day. Beautiful walks through the forest wouldn’t ensure her rent to be paid at the month’s close.

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