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Her response was to push him against the door and press her lips hard against his. An electrical storm whipped up in her from the tingling contact, from the caress of their lips, the press of their bodies in the brightly lit hotel room. Their kisses intensified and the heat rose between them. She gasped against his mouth, inhaling the sweet scent of him, her insides roiling with desire.

The heat burned stronger, and they grappled with each other’s clothes, trying to tear the offending items off. She needed them off twenty seconds ago.

How could kissing feel this good? Soft, firm, heated, pouring passion into every touch. The raw contact of their tongues together sent a deep shiver that went into the bone, and she sighed, legs going weak. Cyrus was attentive enough to feel the slack and helped support her, steering her over to the bed.

I need this,she thought, except maybe she’d said it out loud, because Cyrus kissed her with feverish urgency, hands roaming, his body now pressing into hers on the bed. She felt his hardness through their clothes, and it sent a delightful bolt of realization through her brain. Here he was. This powerful, handsome man. Hard forher.

The passion roiled between them and thank God she was finally able to get that offending shirt off because now she stared at his body, the hunger intensifying from the perfection of his figure. Musclesjustright. A tight body, and a craving in the way he sought her out, diving down to kiss her neck and tug off her top in the process. One by one, the clothes flew off, scattering to all sides of the room. She needed this.

Oh,God,she needed this. Her body screamed for him, her mind craved his presence, and her skin tingled under his touch. It became hard to keep track of things, because of the sheer surge of ecstasy that enveloped them, leaving her to drift in it, to seriously believe she might orgasm before he’d laid a single finger on her most intimate parts.

An inferno that burned in an unfamiliar way, stronger than any fleeting feeling or emotion she’d had before. Her heart thundered, and his hands gripped her, and his lips devoured her.

At one point, they’d stripped down to nothing, and she lay there, waiting for him as he turned off the light, and opened the window so that the moon’s rays flooded in, bathing their skins in its soft darkness. He stood before her, strong and confident, and then he was there, on top of her, inside her, delving deep, and the pressure that built up was so much, so unbearable, soinsane,that she didn’t know how she kept it all together and didn’t explode into thousands of pieces, shatter like glass beneath him.

Somethingdidshatter, though. Less like a dam breaking, and more like a sudden root of pleasure that crystallized through her whole body, like veins of diamond, and everything else just ceased to exist in a blissful, blackout moment.

Did he feel something like this too? Was it the same feeling, or different? If only she could take him into her body and show him exactly how it felt. He braced his head against the pillow and thrust once more, hard, before stopping, but staying within her for that beautiful, shared moment.

When he extricated himself from the tangle of their bodies, she immediately missed his touch and wanted him back. She lay there in bed while he disappeared into the bathroom, before coming out with a small towel for her.

After that, came the cuddling. Lots and lots of it. Never enough of it.

Chapter Ten – Sasha

Dawn came, forcing Sasha’s eyelids to crack open. Her mind rushed with memories when she saw Cyrus’ clothes scattered on the floor, along with hers. The bed by her side was still warm. He hadn’t been up long. She lay there in pure joy, her mind retracing everything.

The joy increased when she smelled coffee wafting through the door. Deciding tonotget dressed, she peeled herself out of bed and got treated to the very delicious sight of Cyrus making coffee, completely naked. His back was to her, so that meant she spent a rather interesting moment just… examining him.

Damn, but he had some rocking glutes.

She crept up behind him and hugged him. He seemed to have been aware she was there already but pretended to not notice, right until she fully hugged him.

“Why hello there,” he said, placing the freshly made mug on the counter. “One sugar?”

“Perfect.” She flushed. “Like you.”

He chuckled. It felt more like a deep rumble in his chest, and it sent somefascinatingfeelings all along her front, where she hugged. They drank the coffee, showered, and got dressed after several extended make-out sessions, and then they simply sat around the little table, holding each other’s hands.

“Sasha,” he said. “I knew it was dangerous when I met you.”


“I just didn’t know how dangerous.” He lifted her hand to kiss the knuckles there. “Seems you’ve cast an enchantment stronger than any witch can manage.”

She flushed furiously at that. “It feels like fate, being here with you. Like somehow everything in my life led to this.”

He smiled softly. However, his expression darkened when his phone buzzed in an almost spiteful way.

“What’s wrong?”

In response, with his free hand, he unlocked the phone and showed her a text message from last night. One from his older brother.

“Ah…” she said. “I see. And… will you do what he asked?”

“Nope.” His occupied hand squeezed hers harder. “I’ve already told Aleera I’m going all-in. I’m worried he might try to sabotage things, just because he can. Or force my father to go back on the deal he arranged.”

“No. Your old man’s too proud for that,” Sasha said firmly. “He won’t renege on it. But your brother will be a problem. He’s likely heavily influenced or enamored by this Infernus family. Wanting to show off to the new fiancée.”
