Page 12 of Bonfire

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The light is flickering, and it’s almost completely dark out now. The shadows being thrown onto the walls are romantic and beautiful.

And so is he.

I spot an open door on the other side of the living room. It’s calling to me. I want to know everything about this guy. First he fought one fire for me and now he’s making a new one. Is there anything this man can’t do?

My eyes light up as I step inside.

I look at the diplomas lining the walls. This must be his office.


This guy is the real deal.

“I guess you really are a doctor,” I shout to him. I spot a diploma from Harvard. A photo of him shaking hands with a couple of recent presidents.

“Yeah,” he says, “I’m a real doctor. Did I not convey that to you when I was saving your ass?”

I close my eyes and let out a deep breath as I go back to the living room. I’m going to be so wet by the time this evening is over.

He’s still down on one knee, putting scraps of wood into the fireplace, and he looks so good doing it.

I notice a photo on the mantle and pick it up carefully.

It’s a photo of a beautiful woman smiling, her long blond hair tucked behind her ears. It looks like a candid photo. She isn’t looking at the camera and seems to be sharing an inside joke with someone who isn’t in the picture.

“Hey,” I say, “who is this?”

“That’s my daughter,” he replies.

“She’s stunning,” I say. “I can see the family resemblance.”

He huffs out a laugh. “I’m flattered, but any resemblance is purely coincidental.”

“What do you mean?”

“She’s adopted.”

“Oh,” I say. “And are you married?”

“No,” he says, “never been married. It’s really just been me and Natasha since her parents passed away.”

“Where does she live?”

“She is in California now. That’s where I was until just a couple of months ago, too.” He pauses. “But I’ll be here for the foreseeable future. I just accepted a new position at a clinic a couple of towns over."

“Ah,” I say, “and that’s why my idiotic friends said you were never around.”

“Is that what landed you all here?”

“Yeah,” I say. “It sure is.”

His fist tightens around a piece of wood, and he shoves it into the fire.

“I’m going to have to build a higher fence.”

I put the frame down as my eyes drift over to him all on their own.

Why is this man single?
