Page 25 of Bonfire

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His eyes pop open. I don’t think he ever really fell asleep.

I’ve been checking the time every two minutes, like I’m waiting at the airport for someone I haven’t seen in a very long time. The wait has been excruciating, but the anticipation feels so good.

Life with Adrian is everything I’ve ever wanted and more. I can’t believe we found each other. I should write a thank-you note to my awful ex-roommate. If she hadn’t had me tied to that stupid tree, Adrian would never have rescued me.

He dotes on me and spoils me like crazy. It’s always flowers when he walks through the door and surprise road trips. I wake up every morning excited to hike the trails, catalog the birds I see, and then come home to make dinner for us, waiting in sweet anticipation to see him.

None of the initial romance and spark has dwindled. In fact, it just grows every day. I shake my head and smile as I rub my huge belly. How did I get so lucky?

“I can’t wait to meet you, little guy,” I whisper as a few tears run down my cheeks.

“Who are you talking to?” Adrian says as he bolts off the bed, stripping down to nothing. I bite the corner of my lip as I watch his cock bounce free from his boxers. Oh, how I love that thing and every inch of the man who owns it.

It’s love. It’s pleasure. It’s a baby-maker. I suck in a slow breath as he looks over at me and winks. He’s still the freaking hottest and most protective man I’ve ever met.

“I was talking to our son,” I say, rubbing my stomach.

Oh, shit. The sex of the baby was supposed to be a surprise for Adrian. He didn’t even know that I knew.

I see his jaw tick as he looks at me.

“It’s a boy?”

“It’s a boy,” I whisper.

Adrian runs to me and takes my face in his hands, putting an adoring, slow kiss on my lips.

He pulls away. He’s never looked happier.

“I know you’re excited to have at least one of both,” he says in a low rasp as a smile stretches across his agonizingly handsome face. “We’ll have to start trying for a girl as soon as we can.”

He lifts me into his arms and doesn’t let go until he’s putting me in the car. There’s already a bag in here that he prepped with all of the stuff I’ll need. He is a planner. A meticulous planner.

“Here we go,” he says as we finally drive up to the entrance to the hospital. His friend who works here comes out with a wheelchair. Adrian helps me waddle over to it and his friend starts to grab the handles to wheel me inside, but instead Adrian pushes him out of the way and tosses him his keys over his shoulder.

“Park it,” he yells without looking back. I peek over my shoulder as he wheels me in and laugh when I see his friend standing there looking confused with the keys in his hand.

“Dude, I’m supposed to be going on my break in five minutes!” he says.

I hold my belly as Adrian speeds us to our birthing suite.

My heart is fluttering in my chest. I even think I can feel my baby’s heart flutter, too. That’s how excited and connected to him I feel right now.

I reach up and grab Adrian’s hand. He squeezes it as we enter the room where our family is really going to start.

Joy fills every part of me, right down to my damn soul.

Oh, how I love this man.


Adrian — Five Years Later

“We haveone more house to visit,” I say as I lead my two wonderful kids to the last house on our street.

It’s the perfect Halloween. My kids are dressed up as a pumpkin and a skeleton. Among all of the costumes at the costume store, they picked the most classic ones. The other kids were clawing and fighting for action hero costumes, but Adrian Jr. and Emily went for the old-school stuff.

Emma taught them early and taught them well.
