Page 13 of Tempting Teacher

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“Of course, you’d think I’m here because I’m in trouble.” She scoffed, rolling her eyes at me, and I ignored the itch to do something completely irrational and uncivilized. “Mister Steven asked me to assist him after class.”

Steven? The Math teacher. He had grey hair and looked like the sweet grandpa who snuck a few sugar candies to you when your mom wasn’t looking.

I fell in step beside her, our footsteps echoing in the empty hallway. “I didn’t know students could assist teachers.”

“I only help him because he gives chocolates. Look, James.” She pulled out two dark toffees in a bright wrapper from her skirt. Her eyes were dancing with a gleam of joy and it made me happy to see her like that.

“Why don’t you address me properly as your teacher?”

I didn’t mean to ask her such a question in a dark tone. My mouth ran before my brain did.

Her hazel eyes roved over my figure, and I felt an odd tightness as she licked her lips and looked away. “Do you really want me to call you Mister James?”

Yes. No. This is a terrible idea.

Being alone with her. Standing so close that I can smell her cherry perfume again.

I looked at the grey clouds and echoing thunder. It would rain soon. I could smell it in the thick air. There were very few cars left in the parking lot, and I didn’t know how she was going to get home.

“Is Clyde going to pick you up?”

She walked with me to the common grounds of the palace where all the three buildings met under an overarching hallway covered by thick pillars and grass. I bit my cheek from smiling at seeing the wallpaper on her phone screen when she unlocked it.

Last month, we all had made a bet playing Monopoly, and she lost against me and Clyde, going bankrupt, so she had to put an awkward picture of her as a wallpaper. She was being a dork with tousled hair and poking her tongue at the camera. It was cute, but she had complained that she hated that picture.

“No, my friend usually drops me, or I walk but—”

“Are you waiting for someone?” I raised my brow, glancing at my watch. “Your boyfriend?” My voice sounded different. Too deep and low.

Mia laughed, my eyes meeting hers, noting how she barely reached my shoulder. “A boyfriend? Seriously, James? Do you think I, of all people, would have a boyfriend?”

I scratched my neck and didn’t reply. I didn’t want to know about her love life as long as she was being safe.


I looked over at Miss Moore, Emma, embracing Mia in a hug. Her cheeks were flushed as if she had run to meet her.

“Mister James, you’re still in school?”

I ignored her question and looked at her and the boy who was walking past us towards the shiny red sports car. I was sure I had seen his face somewhere.

“I believe there is time and place for whatever you were doing, but a school classroom is not one of them, Miss Moore,” I said and nodded at Mia. “Goodbye, Mia.”

The two teens started whispering in hushed voices while I walked away. I couldn’t care less what they did in the classroom, but I hoped Mia wasn’t following in the footsteps of her friend. I know I had no say in what she did—orwhoshe did, but I wanted her to be safe. Especially from jerks of her age who would promise anything to get in her pants.

Fuck.I have no right to think or act like her dad.

I sighed, seeing the silhouette of Mia running towards me when rain started pattering. She quickly opened the door of the passenger seat and made herself at home in my car.

“Comfortable enough?” I deadpanned.

“Oh, yes, thank you very much.” She ended her call and smiled at me. “Dad said you are joining us for dinner, so if you don’t mind, would you be so kind to drop me home? Please?”

She didn’t need to tell me twice. Her smile was enough to make me do anything she wanted. Which was a curse and a blessing.

“Of course, Princess.” I started the engine of the car and rolled out of the spot when it purred to life. I watched her friend get into the red car of the boy from before. “What happened to your friend who was going to drop you?”

Mia shook her head, fixing her seatbelt, and I forced my eyes above her neck. Her white shirt had gotten wet from the rain. I didn’t have an extra jacket or a blanket in the car to give her.
