Page 6 of Tempting Teacher

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“You don’t have to apologize. When I was your age, my room looked like an after scene from a war zone.”

I bit my lip and nodded, throwing the bra in my dresser and slamming it shut. “So how do you… how do you want to do this?” I asked, looking at my bed with its pink floral duvet cover, nine pillows and two stuffed toys.

I was about to get railed by my crush, who is my father’s bestfriend slash my soon-to-be-hot-teacher, on the same princess bed he had helped my dad install.

Talk about mid-teen-life-crush crisis.

“Take a shower first.”

“Oh,” I straightened up. I didn’t think I smelt that bad, but… okay. “I’ll be right—”

A shrill ringtone broke our eye contact. I ignored the tug in my heart when he picked up the call. I could hear a woman’s voice on the other end and my heart dropped a little more.

When he ended the call, I knew what he was going to say, so I kept my fake smile ready.

“I’m sorry, Mia. I’ve to leave soon.”

“Of course.” I smiled big and wide, nodding way too fast. “No problem.”

James walked towards me and I held my breath when his lips came closer and landed on my forehead. “Don’t forget to take a hot shower before you tuck yourself in, okay?”

“Of course, James. I’m a big girl now.” My smile froze, and I repeated his words in my head. “Wait, what did you just say?”

“I said don’t forget to take a hot shower.”

“No, after that.”

“Tuck yourself in?”

I stared at him and blinked. “You… you wanted to tuck me in?”

“Yes. I said I’m going to tuck you, before we arrived home.” He frowned at me and tilted his head. “Are you sure you are okay?”

James never said he wanted to fuck me. He wanted totuckme.

Oh my god, you stupid fucking fool.

“Haha. You wanted to tuck me.Haha. Of course. Classictucking in.Ha.”

“You know what?” He pulled out his phone. “On a second note, you don’t seem fine. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

I stopped him from typing out a text to the woman he was going to meet aftertucking me in. I threw cold water on the jealousy that climbed up my heart that wanted him to stay the night, and forced out the awkward words, “It’s okay. I’m okay. I’ll take a shower and sleep.Tucking myself.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?”

Of course, I want you to stay! I want you to stay with me and gently pat my hair dry after I take a warm shower. I want you to stay and cuddle with me under my floral covers and tell me a story like my mother used to before she passed away. I want you to stay by my side because I’m selfish, and never let you go to warm someone else’s bed because I hate it when I’m alone in this damn big house. I want you to stay and wrap your arms around me and tell me it’s going to be okay even when it’s not going to be.

“Yes, I’m okay!” I smiled and turned around to find my robe so I could shut myself in the shower and he wouldn’t have to see the warm tears burning my eyes.

I bit my lip from spilling out my heart when he held up my hand and brushed his lips against my knuckles. The soft touch of his velvety lips sent shivers down my spine, my stomach tightening with nerves as his warm hand cradled mine.

“Call me if you feel sick, okay?”

I nodded, not meeting his eyes because it hurt to see him leave.

His hold tightened on my hand. “Look at me and answer.”

“I’ll call you if I get sick.” I rolled my eyes and met his piercing blue eyes. “Happy now?”
