Page 85 of Tempting Teacher

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She hummed. “Have you thought about going back home?”

I frowned, but she continued, clearing her throat when adorable blush slashed her tanned skin, “When I was struggling with something really difficult, I thought my boyfriend would leave me. But he never did. He was waiting for me to open up to him and accept his love all that time.”

“And… did you guys make up?” I asked with raised brows. “Did you confess?”

“We did.” She grinned, golden flecks flickering in her brown eyes. “So, you should go back, love. He might be waiting for you.”

“I leave you alone for one minute…” a husky voice muttered. My lips fell apart when a tall, broad shouldered, hot man walked towards us. He looked familiar in a celebrity sort of way, his hair onyx and eyes of different color. “We have to board, Kiara. Elijah and Aethra are waiting for us. You know how much—”

“Don’t be grumpy, Ethan. I was just making sure this sweet girl found her happily-ever-after.” The woman stood up and smiled at me, her hand glinting with the golden band. “I hope you find him and accept his love.”

I nodded robotically when the hot man named Ethan finally looked at me, gave me a polite nod, and looked at his wife again. If I had a hot partner like either of them, I’d probably do the same, but his eyes practically melted when he looked at her. I could see that he adored her.

I wanted what they had. I had to go home.

“I will,” I said, standing up with new determination. “Thank you, Kiara and… Ethan.”

My drive back home was fueled with nerves and anticipation. I was scared, yet confident. There was a chance that it was too late and James would never wanted me back but… there I believed that he would take me back with open arms. I just had to confess and accept his love. If what Miss Laxmi said was true, then we could be together. He wasn’t my teacher anymore.

It was a beautiful day. The sun had set down, painting the sky in beautiful shades of blue and pink.

I don’t remember when and how I parked my car in the garage. How my legs trembled when I opened the main door and how my breathing stopped completely when I entered the house.


He looked over his shoulder, wearing a ‘Call me DADDY’ apron and holding a spatula in one of his hands, the watch I gifted him glinting on his wrist. “Took you long enough.” He turned back, stirring the pot and acting so nonchalant as if I hadn’t just had a mini-heart-attack. “Come on in, I’m cooking your favourite dish.”

Turns out, the stranger at the airport was right.

“You’re a jerk,” I said, launching myself on him and burying my face in his chest despite his protest. I took a lungful of his pine and musky scent. I never wanted to get away from him again. I missed him. His steady heartbeats, his scent, his warmth. “I should hate you.No. Idohate you. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.”

His arms tightened around me, pulling me closer until we were pressed close. The tightness in my stomach eased and instead turned into a fluttering mess. My heart was hammering and my legs were shaking at the awareness ofhim. James. And how much I loved him. And how I couldn’t stand being without him.

“I’m sorry for realizing it too late, Princess,” he whispered, raking his hand through my hair and kissing my head. I felt the warmth of gentle kiss spread all over my body. “I-I was afraid I’d hurt you. That maybe you deserve someone better.”

I pulled away to look at his face. His jaw was clean shaven and his sapphire eyes were sparkling when he smiled down at me, his hands cupping my face. “I’m sorry it took me so long to realize that I can be that someone better. I’ll do everything and anything to be the right person for you, Princess.”

“You already are, James.” I kissed his hand, nuzzling into his palm. If I were a cat, I’d be purring. “I don’t want you to change. I love you as who you are.” I considered what I had just said and added, “Maybe you can cook some more junk food...”

He kissed me and my entire world shattered. Then he kissed me some more, and it felt that life was not so meaningless after all. His lips were soft, and I melted against him, feathering his hair and touching him everywhere. It felt like years had passed since he had kissed me, and I never wanted to feel that sadness again. I never wanted him to stop touching me and kissing me.

“I love you,” he whispered, between our kisses. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”

“I heard you the first time.” I nipped at his lips, giggling when he hoisted me up in his arms. When I saw where he was taking me, I wriggled in his arms.

“You made it?”

He nodded, pulling away from my neck to lay me down on the blanket fort. It had a string of fairy lights and even chocolates on the side with pillows and blankets. “Clyde called me and told me what had happened.”

“I thought you were really leaving,” I mumbled, unbuttoning his shirt.

“I couldn’t. The thought of leaving…” he shook his head, his eyes following my fingers when I tugged off my uniform. His words were hoarse when he whispered, “I’m too selfish to let you live without me, Mia.”

I kissed him again, our fingers tugging at each other’s clothes. I gasped when he laid me down on my back, both of us as naked as the day we were born.

His eyes zeroed on the dainty heart necklace. He smiled, brushing his fingers over it. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get you anything better.”

I clutched it, my lips parting. “Y-you… you were the one who gave me this present?”
