Page 26 of The Italian

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Nico had tried to be casual about it and downplay any real danger. But the fact that he was concerned enough to suggest she lockdown in his place was more than a little concerning. River stopped and leaned against the sofa, putting her hand to her chest. She could feel her heart slamming against her chest. It felt like she’d just run a marathon.

“Breathe,” she told herself. “Just breathe and think.”

River knew she had a bad habit of freaking herself out and when she got herself worked up and into that state, she stopped thinking clearly. It was something she was going to have to learn to control if she wanted to be an effective lawyer. But that was something she could worry about later. Right now, she just needed to get her head on straight and think.

She started pacing again, letting her mind work on the problem. River knew she could always go to the police. Nico had reacted pretty strongly to her threat to call them. If she went to the cops and laid the situation out, telling them she was afraid for her life, they might be able to do something to help her. Knowing Nico and Emiliano were from notorious crime families, it wouldn’t have surprised River to learn that they were already on the cops’ radar anyway.

She frowned and shook her head though. River knew she wouldn’t go to the cops because if she did, that might land Nico in real trouble. As terrible as this whole situation was and as afraid for her life as she was, she found that she still cared about Nico. She cared about him a lot more than she ever intended or wanted to. More than she’d let herself believe. And because of that, she didn’t want to get him into trouble or anything bad to happen to him. Which meant, she couldn’t go to the police. She was on her own.

Well, not exactly. She still had Nico’s men out there watching her. She didn’t know who or where they were but the fact that Nico seemed to know where she was at any given moment, always turning up unexpectedly, told her that he had constant eyes on her. It was something she was still conflicted about. On the one hand, it was creepy for him to have men watching her. On the other, as silly as it seemed, it was still flattering that he cared enough about her that he’d have somebody watching over and protecting her.

As a strong and independent woman, it went against everything she believed about herself, but she didn’t hate the idea that he cared about her enough to risk incurring her wrath to keep her safe. That was just one more example of how conflicted she was about him. One more example of how he’d turned her brain and her life upside down. She was thinking and feeling things she never had before. It was scary.

But at the same time, it was exhilarating. River didn’t know she could feel the things she felt for Nico. She didn’t even know the heights of pleasure he’d taken her to even existed. He’d treated her with care and respect. He’d been kind to her. He’d made her see that not all guys were like the ones at her school and that she could indeed find a man to have a mature relationship with. There were so many things she liked about him that it killed her to see it all circling the drain like it was right now. She hated that she would be leaving Venice not with the glow she’d been surrounded by because of him, but with a dark and bitter taste in her mouth instead.

River looked at the dining room table and images of what they’d done on top of it flashed through her mind. A wan smile touched her lips but was immediately overwhelmed by her anger and sadness that those memories were forever tainted now. She shook her head. River needed to get out of the apartment for a while and get some air. It was dangerous out there and she knew she probably shouldn’t leave but she knew if she didn’t get out for a bit, she was going to go crazy. Nico’s men were out there and would be watching her back, so she at least had a modicum of security.

She grabbed her bag and her keys and left, making sure to lock up behind her. River rolled her eyes as the lock snapped into place knowing it was a futile gesture. It was habit. The locks on her door hadn’t been any sort of deterrent since Emiliano had gotten into her apartment easily enough. Grumbling to herself, she dashed down the flight of stairs and burst out onto the street. She scanned the area around her, searching for Nico’s watchers but didn’t see anybody who stood out. Foot traffic was light, but she didn’t see anybody who looked out of place.

Trusting they were out there though, she started down the street with no destination in mind. She just needed to be out of the apartment. It was overcast and she wished she could feel the sun on her skin, but River was happy to be breathing fresh air. The scents of the city seemed to help lighten her mood and slow her racing heart and mind. Somewhat. She was still tense and nervous being out there on the street alone and feeling exposed but the fog that had enveloped her, keeping her from thinking clearly, seemed to be lifting.

“I need some music,” she said to herself.

River turned a corner and started heading for the familiar narrow street that ended at the canal and sat across from the music school. She thought if anything was going to help pull her out of this malaise she was in, it was going to be music and the purity of the kids’ voices. There was no way you could listen to that music and not feel better instantly.

She made another turn and walked down the road that would lead her to the lane where she sat to listen when a car pulled to a stop beside her. River’s body instantly grew taut, and her heart jumped into her throat. Goosebumps prickled her skin and her pulse raced when she saw one of the men who’d broken into her apartment get out of the car and come around the front of it, blocking her way. The second man who’d broken in got out of the passenger’s seat and stood there, his eyes on her, his face completely blank.

With the car on one side and the two men bookending her, River was trapped and had nowhere to go. If she tried to run, she had no doubt they’d catch her. They were big but athletic-looking men. She sniffed loudly and drew herself up to her full five-five height, doing her best to quell the fear that was making her legs shake. She gritted her teeth and tried to muster up the courage to put on a brave face.

“What do you want?” she hissed.

The rear door of the car opened, and she was unsurprised to see Emiliano get out. He walked around his man, patting him on the shoulder as he passed, and came to a stop a few feet in front of her. His dark eyes bored deep into hers and a small smile played across his lips.

“We meet again,” he said.

“What do you want?” she repeated, her voice tight with anger.

“Things have changed,” he said. “And I’m going to need you to come with me.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“Unfortunately for you, that’s not a true statement.”

Even though she knew her odds of escaping were slim, River turned to run anyway. As she took off though, she felt a foot kick her in the side of the ankle. It wasn’t hard but it was enough to make her feet get tangled together and she went down hard. The cobblestones dug into her, and the breath was driven from her lungs with an audible “oomph” as she landed belly-first on the road. Gasping for breath, she started to rise only to feel Emiliano’s vice-like grip on her arm. He hauled River to her feet and leaned forward, putting his nose mere inches from hers.

“You’re coming with me,” he said.

Still wheezing and trying to catch her breath, River hocked back and spit a thick glob onto his face, managing a maniacal laugh and malicious-looking smile. She heard the sharp crack a moment before she felt her face explode with heat. Her head snapped to the side and her cheek burned like it had been set on fire where Emiliano’s hand had connected with her face. The coppery taste of blood filled her mouth and stars burst in her field of vision, which was wavering.

Emiliano handed her off to one of his men and though numb and dizzy, River noted that his hand was much bigger and his grip far tighter. She idly wondered if he could cut off all circulation to her arm with his hand. Emiliano slipped a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped the glob off his face, glaring at her the entire time.

“Put her in the car,” Emiliano said.

Her lips felt thick and numb, and River couldn’t tell if they were moving as she tried to speak. She cleared her throat and tried again and was rewarded with the sound of her voice, muzzy and slurred as it was to her ears.

“I’m not going anywhere with you,” she said.

Emiliano’s face darkened and his lips curled back into a sneer. She was vaguely aware that his arm was moving… at least until his hand connected with her cheek again. River felt weightless for a moment. She felt like she was falling into some great, bottomless void. The darkness rushed up to meet her and then took hold, pulling her down into it as her entire world went black.

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