Page 106 of Limitless

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The red head whipped around, and the team moved as a unit toward him as he darted through the lobby toward the stairwell.

Gasps sounded as the hotel patrons watched the organized commotion. Everyone in black moved as if they knew this dance, but how could Hunter? He knew these people?

My gut tightened, and I darted around the corner of the table. “Hunter!”

The door shut as I shouted, but the red head and two of the guys turned around to face me. “Step away, miss. This—” The red head reached for me. I jumped back, nearly tripping on my clogs. “Angelina Raine?”


“She’s clear,” he said to the guy beside him. “Stay on her. Top priority. Let’s go.”

“Wait. What’s—where’s Hunter?”

“Elevator.” He pointed.

“I am not getting on that with you.”

The guy pressed the up button and tapped his ear. “Marshal here. On elevator six, three plus one civ.”


He whipped around and said, “If you want to see Hunter, you’ll get in this elevator right now.”

“What the hell is going on?”

He nodded to one of the guys in fatigues, and he reached for me. I swiped my forearm in time to deflect and slammed my heel on his foot then palmed his chin.

I spun around and darted toward the counter, “Doug! Call security—”

A firm hand curled around my bicep. “Don’t,” the man said. “I won’t hurt you, Angelina, but your actions may cause Hunter and Lisa harm. Be still. I’ll take you to him.”

Eyes the shade of green that fills the air right before a tornado stared down at me. It felt like that right now. He knew Hunter and Lisa, he was packing heat and was with an organized group of men, which meant he was law enforcement of some sort.

Hunter’s dad was here.

“You can trust me.”

“Who are you?”

“Marshal Smith.”

“That’s supposed to mean something?”

“So, he didn’t tell you after all.”

“Tell me what? What the hell is going on?”

“I’m his handler.” He glanced around as he spun me toward the elevators. “Simon. Jones. Deal with security and front desk. Minimal disruption.” They nodded and darted off toward Doug. “Angelina. I’m Marshal Smith with the witness protection program.”

“The witness…”

“Hunter’s dad is in town and less than a minute away from this hotel if my calculations are right. Please get in this elevator so I can get you to Hunter before he goes off the handle when he doesn’t find you at home.”

“Hunter,” I gasped and took off toward the elevator. The door opened and Marshal, along with two more guys filed in. Holy cow, how many were there?

I stabbed the 21stfloor button as I swiped my VIP card. “Hurry. Please.” I dug into my back pocket, then swiped my phone alive and entered my code. I pulled up a text to Hunter.I’m safe. With Marshal. Coming to you.

“You know him pretty well, don’t you?”
