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He’d taken to calling me that over the last few weeks as Hunter recovered from his injuries. Bill had stepped in like he’d known me for years. Kind of like a surrogate father.

Lisa hurried ahead of me, into the ballroom as I pulled in a deep breath so I wouldn’t fall over from nerves. I wasn’t scared or worried; more excited and anxious, but my body reacted the same way with the fluttering stomach and weak legs.

“Hold on tight,” Bill said.

And I did as he led me through the threshold of the door. Hunter looked unbelievable standing at the end of the short aisle, but what surprised me was how many people were in the room.

Patty and her husband, all the girls from Hunter’s self-defense class, and most of the hotel staff. They all stood, clapping as I walked forward. Tears stung my eyes, and I looked up at Bill.

“Surprise,” he said.

I was speechless, and almost out of breath from surprise. Drey held up the iPad, and I saw Lizzie’s face, tears streamed down, and she was waving. I waved back, then focused on Hunter.

He stood there in jeans and a button up short sleeve shirt. His blond hair rested on his shoulders in that sexy messy way I’d grown to love.

He smiled, and my world titled, but it wasn’t in a panic attack sense. No, my world tilted on its axis because I knew nothing would ever be the same after today.

And for once, I was okay with that. He loved me. I loved him. We would be together forever now. Nobody would ever take him away from me.

Chapter Thirty-Seven


Lina was breathtaking in her kick ass boots, black leggings and flowing button up white shirt. It was long sleeved, but sheer enough for me to see through to the form fitting black shirt she wore beneath.

I loved how she wanted a casual, quickie wedding, wearing what was most comfortable to both of us. She’d said it was more about us being ourselves than getting all dressed up and doing what everyone else thought we should do.

Hell, I’d had to convince her to at least wait until I was out of the hospital.

And that made me love her even more if that was possible.

Bill stopped a few feet from me and glanced to the side. I watched for Lina’s expression as she followed his gaze. We’d planned that Bill would bring her directly to me and we’d start the vows, but I had a little surprise cooked up.

Lina’s mom and dad stepped out from the crowd, clapping. Lina gasped and locked gazes with me. I nodded and couldn’t help but smile. The planning and scheduling had been worth it. While I lay on my bed, healing from all the wounds my father had caused, I had tons of time to make it happen.

Though there was an edge to Lina’s mom’s voice during the planning, when we’d met last night that seemed to melt away. It was a short two-night trip since they were in the midst of opening a hotel in Germany, but the thankfulness in her dad’s voice made it all worthwhile.

No parent should miss their daughter’s wedding.

Lina hurried to her dad and gave him a big hug.

“I’m so proud of you, honey.”

“You’re here? How—what—”

“Hunter contacted us, and I’m so glad he did,” her dad said. “No way would we miss our little girl’s wedding.”

Her mom nodded, then gave Lina a big hug. “We love you, honey.”

Lina faced me, then smiled as she hurried toward me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and planted a kiss on me that nearly knocked me over. Not so much because I was still a little on the weak side, but from the intensity. But I welcomed her weight. Her body.

“Hey, we haven’t gotten to that part yet!” Drey said.

Screw them. I was going to kiss my girl whenever I wanted. I hugged her so tight I lifted her off the floor. She was all mine. I loved her more than I could put into words. I’d almost lost her because of my lies, and then because of my father.

Never again. I intended to bind myself to her in every way humanly possible. Never again would I be without her.

The crowd closed in, circling us as the Justice of the Peace cleared his throat. I let Lina slide down the front of me, but I kept her close as the Justice went into his speech.
