Page 19 of Limitless

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“Don’t try and flatter your way out of the bad reasons comment, Lina,” he chuckled.

I couldn’t help but laugh at that, but he didn’t answer my question or deny there was a line of women after him. This guy was funny, gorgeous, and completely selfless. Why on earth was he here with…me? “Seriously. What gives?”

“Nothing gives. I like hanging out with you. Even if it is outside your door or on a video chat. But I like this the most so far because I can hear your true voice. No crackles of the cell phone or muffled because of the door.” He paused for a few seconds. “I like your voice.”

I gulped. His was like music, too. Felt nice. It was almost like I was meditating when I listened to him talk.

“No girlfriends?” I couldn’t believe my boldness. Then again, I’d made it to the lobby a couple more times since I’d met him. Sure, it’d been two in the morning again and I didn’t step off the elevator, but I’d looked out. Stuck my head out and looked around.

So yeah, I was badass and bold right now.

“No,” he said, with an edge to his voice.

“As in ever?”

“I didn’t saythat.” He chuckled. “Just not right now.”

“When was your last one?”

There was a long pause, and I wished I could see his face. I wanted to know what he looked like when he thought hard, at least I guessed that was what he was doing right now. “We’re really going to talk about that?”

“Why not?”

“That’s…we’re taking things to another level if we go down that road.”

“Another level? I don’t…get it.” My heart started up a familiar drum solo deep in my chest.No.I would not let my anxiety get the better of me. Not with Hunter. No. We were only talking, learning about each other. Then again, what business did I have doing that, even? What could I, a scared, wimpy agoraphobic freak ever offer him? Hell, what could I offer anyone?

“It’s okay, Lina.”

God, I loved it when he called me Lina.

“I’m just saying, things are gonna get deeper if we dive into that.”

I wanted to go deeper with him, more than I wanted to admit to myself, even. Heck, the dreams I’d had since meeting him wereplentydeep. “I…want to.”

“You do?”

“But if you don’t. I…I understand.” I chomped on my lip and closed my eyes as I scanned over a mental list of songs to fend off the anxiety dancing around in my stomach. I’d totally understand if he didn’t want to, but I sure did. I wanted to know everything about him. His life. Even his past girlfriends. Well, maybe not that so much, but a little. What shaped him into this strong, thoughtful man?

“Lina, I want to, but…well, I’m not sure I—”

I pushed up to my feet as the tears burned my eyes. “It’s okay. I’m sorry I asked. Just forget it. I didn’t mean to ruin things. I was just curious.”

“Have you ever had a boyfriend?”

The world tilted slightly, and I palmed the brick wall between us. I’d had boyfriends in high school, sure. I could stick to talking about that part, and maybe if I started with being more open, he would, too?

At least that was the theory.

“I’ve had a couple.”

“Ever been in love?”

I wasn’t sure I knew what love was but evidently, he was ready to take things deeper. This guy was so confusing sometimes. “No.”

“As for girlfriends…I’ve had a couple. Well, one serious girlfriend.”

I stopped at the opening of my sliding glass door. “Serious?”
