Page 32 of Limitless

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I stepped onto plush carpet and let out a breath.

“And I didn’t get beat up.” He eased the door shut and leaned toward me. “I kickedhisass.”

“Then he must have been doing something bad.” I looked up and got snagged in his bright gaze.

Less than five inches separated his face from mine, and a wave of clean fresh cologne wrapped around me, warming me from the inside out. A flutter in my abdomen bloomed, and I found myself leaning forward.

His nostrils flared, and he froze, eyes fixed on me. My heart jumped into a record pace, and a warm, tingling feeling spread from my chest to the tips of my toes.

This hulking guy standing over me with his well-toned muscles, his tattooed arms, and his kind eyes was a bundle of contradictions. His tough looks and massive size demonstrated a scary intensity and strength that screameddo not screw with me. Yet his eyes…those tender pools of violet-blue gave off a feeling of compassion and tenderness that completely contradicted his outward appearance.

Those eyes gave me strength as they silently encouraged me to take the next step. To bust through the chains securing me to my fears.

His smooth skin and square jaw drew me in even more. I raised my hand to his face, and he didn’t so much as breathe. Gently brushing the skin beneath where it started bleeding into purple, I let out a breath.

It was as soft as I’d dreamt it would be. Yet another contradiction in his rough appearance. And this strapping guy was standing here, letting me touch him. No wait,Iwas touching him. And it was incredible. The warmth beneath my fingertips surprised me. I wouldn’t have guessed he’d let off this much heat, but it made me want to crawl up into him and purr.

I stepped even closer, my body about to make contact with his.Finally. Maybe just a hug or something—anything—to get closer to him. His strength might seep into me more if I touched him…kissed him.

“That eye does look a little nasty, doesn’t it?” A soft female voice sifted through the haze that’d settled over me.

I jerked my hand away from Hunter’s face, but he held my gaze. His eyes had morphed into a darker version of intensity. Desire maybe? Or…fear? That surprised me. I wouldn’t think he’d be scared of anything, let alone me.

“It’s just my mom,” he whispered, his voice softer yet deeper than normal. “You okay?”

I nodded and stepped to the side more, escaping his intoxicating heat, and mentally whacked myself back to the moment.

A skinny woman with a blonde pixie haircut came into focus. She stood about five-foot-two if I had to guess. I only had her by a couple of inches, tops. She wore a floor-length skirt that hugged a slim figure and an oversized white sweater that hung off her left shoulder.

Her smile, though, was what drew me in, and I instantly knew where Hunter had gotten his from. She was beautiful. Her smile brightened her face, and the same eyes stared back at me. Hunter had gotten his eyes from his mother, too.

She stepped into the entryway even more, still smiling, and the overhead light spilled over her, so I got a better view. A purple scar followed the contour of the right side of her face. It traveled each and every curve of her temple, high cheekbone, all the way over the curve of her jaw.

I flicked my focus back to her smile and offered her one of my own. “Hello, Mrs. Amos.”

“Please. Call me Lisa.” She stepped forward and reached for me.

“Um, Mom. I told you she—”

I immediately fell into her inviting embrace. It both surprised me and scared me that’d I’d done that, but as her arms secured around me and she gave a gentle squeeze, I was glad it’d happened.

It almost felt like a hug from my own mother, and I’d not had that in over nine months. They had all but given up on me and had said as much with their last goodbye.

Yes. I could get used to this very quickly.

Chapter Ten


Seeing Lina in Mom’s arms nearly brought me to my knees. I’d told Mom of Lina’s condition, and how she didn’t like to be touched. What on earth possessed her to go for a hug within the first two minutes of meeting her?

Evidently it was exactly what Lina had needed. Relief washed over her as she fell into Mom’s arms, and my heart nearly burst.

I wanted to be the one who held Lina. A ping of jealousy spiked, but I shook it out of my head. First, I couldn’t get close to Lina like that, and second…ah hell, there wasn’t another reason. I just couldn’t let myself fall for her. It was too dangerous, especially after the shit that went down last night. I’d almost cancelled this dinner, but Mom looked like she’d mop the floor with me if I had dared to do that.

Mom stepped back and petted Lina’s hair as she smiled. “Hungry?”

Lina nodded then glanced at me. I swore I saw tears building in her eyes. I eased away and guided her toward the kitchen.
