Page 34 of Claiming What's His

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“I think I know what I do to you. You do the same to me. I feel so empty at night, needing you inside me…”

Fuck me,” I groan into the phone. “Are you going to play with yourself for me baby?”

“Maybe,” she teases, her voice low and smokey.

“Why don’t you slide your hand between those legs and for me, beautiful?”

“Is that an order?”

“Fuck,” I hiss. “Give me what I want, Shelby.”

“Always baby,” she purrs before doing as I ask.

She’s perfection.



As I pull my bike onto the graveled driveway, the abandoned factory looms in front of me. This place has been deserted for close to fifty years. I’m not even sure how the structure is still standing. All the windows have been busted out. The paint is long gone, leaving behind a desolate, chipped gray.

There’s one streetlamp across the street casting a yellow glow in an otherwise pitch-black night. Sitting on my bike for a second, I feel naked without my cut. Just taking it off felt wrong. I feel exposed out here on my own. It’s making my skin crawl. My entire body is tense, almost to the point of pain. There’s no one else out here. I don’t even see anyone’s bike. They must’ve parked around back.

This whole damn set up feels off as I step through the door. I’m half convinced the place is empty. All I can hear are my own footsteps echoing on the floor of broken tiles.

“You wanted me here. I don’t have time for games,” I call out, frustrated. If I’m here for nothing—or worse—I’m going to make them all fucking bleed. “If you’re just going to yank my dick, you could at least make it feel good.”

Three men walk out. There’s just enough light to see their silhouettes until they turn on toward me and the small overhead florescent light comes on, filling the room with pale light. I recognize Mongrel, BMRR’s Vice President. The other two are harder to place. One is Mongrel’s right-hand man, Chopper. The last, I have no idea, but he’s wearing a cut.

“If it isn’t the mighty King,” Mongrel drawls out. “You have some big cojones showing up here man or maybe you’re just plain stupid.”

His words are meant to rile me. He wants me mad. Letting your emotions lead you in these circumstances is stupid and that means you make mistakes. I’m not a wet behind the ears prospect. That’s not going to happen.

I laugh dryly. “I have a few surprises up my sleeve if you decide to try something. I’m not dumb enough to walk in here unprepared.”

“I call bullshit, King. None of those DC pussies are around. We’ve kept a close eye on you.”

“They’re all too busy getting their dicks wet at a party at the strip joint. I don’t need anyone to watch my back,” I spit out. I lace my words with venom like they’ve burned me by not being here. “I can watch my own back. Now how about we get on with the reason you wanted this meeting.”

“We have mutual interests, you and I,” Mongrel says.

“I doubt that,” I tell him, crossing my arms. I make slow movements so his lackies don’t get trigger happy.

“I have a million reasons why you should agree,” he says.

I blink, keeping my face stoic. I know this means that it goes beyond Mongrel and Apex’s crew wanting territory. It means there’s a man behind the curtain pulling the strings. A million dollars is serious shit.

And bad fucking news.

“You have my attention.”

Mongrel laughs. “Everyone has a price.” The others smile like they’re in on a joke I haven’t heard. These fools couldn’t play poker if their lives depended on it. They are giving their hand away without even thinking twice about it.

“I’m loyal when I get that loyalty back. That’s something that’s not happened lately, but I’m not here to listen to you insinuate shit about me when you don’t know who I am. Tell me why I’m here or I’m walking out.”

“We know a hell of a lot more than you realize,” Mongrel hints. I already know that from Streaker’s small hint, so I ignore it—for now. “If you want to get down to business, we can do that. I would like to offer you a million reasons to help the BMRRs."

I laugh like it’s the best joke I’ve heard in years. “Here I thought you were just going to offer me a cut.”
