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“Tell that to Dash and Col,” I say, pulling my skirt down as I stand up. “I wanted it just as much as they did.”

“We thought your heat would kick in on your eighteenth birthday, but it didn’t. So we thought maybe we were wrong about you. It’s your first one, so you can’t get pregnant yet. But each one after this will get worse until you are with child. You’ve been safe until now. We’ve been able to keep you safe. But now, things are going to change, Ronni.” Mitch lifts my head by the chin. “We can only do so much to protect you. You’ll carry my scent for a while, that’ll keep anyone off you until I can get you home.”

“Scent?” I ask, confused.

“We can smell your heat, you nearly knocked us over in church which is why Darrell asked them to get you out of there. Now that I’ve been with you to calm your heat, you’ll carry my scent with you, no one will bother you while you smell like me. It’ll be like you’re not in heat for a few hours, especially since I marked you. But we’ll need to get you home, you’ll have to stay locked up during your heat cycles, at least until we can figure out a safe way to be with you without having a baby.” I jerk my head out of his hand and shove at his chest. I start to argue, but he grabs my face. “You will do as you’re told, Ronni. Don’t make me fuck you into submission.” It’s like he grows another foot taller, the power behind his voice is enough to make me shrink down. “Good girl.” Why do they all know to call me that, do they know what it does to me? I feel like they’re using it to control me now.

I feel like putty, waiting to fall to the ground between his fingers, my body numb from sex, and my mind numb from those fucking words. Mitch lifts me into the car and buckles me into my seat. “Let’s get you home.” He places another kiss on my forehead before shutting the door. I watch him climb into the driver's seat and drive away from the park. I’m in a world of trouble if these guys keep doing what they’re doing to me.

Chapter Five

My body aches like it’s never ached before. I’ve spent the last four days in my room, writhing in pain from what Mitch called my heat, literally soaking any clothes I put on. He only soothed it the one time. The others have avoided me for the most part, even when I begged Dash to come fuck me, he wouldn’t.

Today, the burn is less, but still there. Mitch brings me food and water, but he only leaves it at the door and then walks away. No contact. Fucking bullshit. I’ve had sex with all three of them already, what’s a few more times?

Colson talked to me through the door for about fifteen seconds, apologizing that he couldn’t do more. They said we’d talk more when my heat is over, but fucking shit, I’ve destroyed my room. I’ve shredded the pillows, sheets, and blankets. All because I felt the need to make a fucking nest in the middle of my bed. I also asked for more bedding, but they refused to give me more.

I’m not entirely sure what’s going on, and it’s not like I have a phone or a computer to fucking look it up. I feel like this would be something a daughter would talk to their mom about, something I can no longer do. I grab a book off my nightstand, pulling it open to the page I last left off on. I love reading, especially when there’s nothing else I can do. I’ve always loved escaping into the fictional world. The library offers me a vast amount of different things, and the last time I went was months ago; I still have a pile of books waiting to be read. This one though, I stopped reading a few nights ago due to the hot and spicy scenes. But maybe, just maybe reading could help direct my attention.

When I find the spot I left off in, I read the words waiting for me on the page.“Her breasts feel like clouds in my hand.”I slam the book shut, that will not help me get away from my current situation. I take a drink from my tea cup, the cool liquid hits my tongue and sends a shiver of disgust. I launch the cup in my hand across the room and watch it shatter, spilling everything on the floor. Both the broken pieces and the tea.

“Veronica!” I hear Darrell shout up the stairs. “Stop breaking shit!” I hear other voices with him, but I can’t make out what they say.

Rolling my eyes, I push up off the bed to clean up the mess, grabbing a towel from the basket to soak up the liquid. I’ve never been so damn bored in my entire life. Carefully I pick up the pieces of the mug and toss them in the trash can to my right.

I will not cut my hand to get attention.

I stare at a sharp piece just laying there.

I will not cut my hand to get attention.

I’m not superhuman, so the cut on my hand would take forever to heal, and I would like to be able to use my hands. Even if it’s just to punch everyone downstairs once I get out of this fucking room.

“It should be over soon, Lolli.” I hear Colson through my door. Moving to the door, I lay down, looking out through the crack beneath it.

“I need out, Col,” I whisper. “Please.” I can smell him through the door, the overwhelming need between my legs pulses again.

I watch his shoes disappear and then suddenly his face is there. “Soon. I promise.”

“What is happening?” I ask him softly, letting my finger poke through the door.

When he touches my finger, it feels like my body is lit on fire, the burn radiates, slowly moving from my finger to my core. I’m not sure if it’s a purr, a moan, or a growl that escapes my lips. But it makes Colson’s eyes go wide, and suddenly, he’s not there anymore. “No!” I sit up and hit the door. “Come back!” I cry out. “Please.” My cry turns into a sob as I curl up, putting my knees under my chin, pulling them tight against my chest. With a soft rock, I lull myself to sleep, right there against the door.

Two more days, that's how much longer I had to stay in my room away from the guys. It nearly broke me to stay away that long. The door opens, and I watch as Mitch walks in, looking around my room like he expected the disaster he walked in on. I’ve also not soaked through any clothes since yesterday.

“Not bad, Sweetheart. It’s a beautiful nest.” I feel pride wash over me when he praises my nest. I’m still not sure why I made one, but I did.

“Can I come out now?” I ask, standing up off the bed.

“Yes. Come here.” He opens his arms wide for me, like he’s expecting a warm welcome.

Well, tough titties, Mitch. I walk up to him, pull my arm back, clench my fist tight, and punch him straight in the solar plexus. He lets out ahumphsound, “That’s what you get for locking me in my room, when any of you fuckers could have eased my pain.” I reel back another fist and land it in his stomach. “That’s for fucking me and then leaving.”

He coughs and falls to his knees. “Good job, Ronni!” I look up at my door, seeing Dash standing there leaning against the frame. I walk up and kick him in the shin. “Ow!”

“That’s for leaving me in here.” I walk past him, and go on the hunt for Colson. He’s next, fucker. I take the stairs down two at a time, when I’m pulled to the side. “Lolli.” His lips are on me before I can pull any punches. His lips soothe my anger, calming me, bringing me the kind of peace I’ve needed over the last several days.

When he breaks the kiss, his glasses are slightly fogged over, and he offers me a soft smile. “Better?”
