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“C’mon, Dash. Don’t do this in front of the entire school.” Colson pulls Dash back, leaving me in a puddle. My legs wobble, and my heart feels like it's going to explode. Colson grabs me by the waist and lifts me up over his shoulder. Head dangling down with my ass in the air. I start to fight him off, but I feel a crisp smack across the back of my thighs. “Don’t push me, Lolli. You won't like what happens.” I let out a huff of air as I submit to him, letting him carry me through the school like I’m his plaything.

“Promises,” I say with a laugh. I look back to see Dash following me. The first thing I notice is the massive bulge in his pants. My dear brother has a hard-on. Why? Is that because of me? I bite my lip, looking at the prize in his pants. Is it wrong that I’m curious about what he looks like naked? Do I even want to know? My body vibrates from the need to know, even if it feels wrong.

Chapter Three

I'm not sure where we're going, I guess I'm just here for the ride since they haven’t said a single word to me since we climbed into the car. I sit in the back seat while they chat in the front. I fidget with my skirt as Dash drives Colson’s car like a fucking maniac. I've seen him pissed, and I've seen him manic. Today, in this moment, it’s both. I'm not sure why my brother cares about me sucking off his friend, but here we are, and I know what I saw between his legs.

Is he jealous that it was Colson?The thought runs through my head quickly, but I shut it down. There’s no way Dash is jealous, half the time these days, I feel like he hates me.

The car comes to a sudden stop, and when I look up, I realize that we're at my house. "To your room, Ronni. We'll be up in a few," Dash says, turning to face me. I flick my eyes to him, not quite sure why he’s being so fucking rude.

"I don't know who the hell you think you are, Dash, but you are not the boss of me." I fold my arms over my chest. "Take me back to school," I say nervously when I see his face twisted in anger. I try to put on a brave face, but inside, I’m still just looking to please people. The idea of having someone mad at me, eats me alive.

"You'll do what you're told, Ronni. Get the fuck up to your room and wait for us," Dash says, well he more growls it, but either way, the look on his face is of pure anger. His ice blue eyes and dark careless hair have haunted me my entire life. Dash, the amazing football star. Dash, the popular guy, every single girl wants. It's both annoying and insulting. He's everything in one body and watching the girls fawn over him is cringe worthy. He's never dated any of them, yet they line up like it’s a fucking MGK concert. Waiting to suck his cock.

I get out of the car and slam the door shut. I ignore whatever Dash just shouted and stomp up the stairs to the house, opening the door with my key. I slam that door too. Once I’m inside though, I fucking run. Up the stairs and into my room. Shutting my bedroom door, I silently wish I had a lock for my door. That way whenever Dash comes up here to dish out whatever wrathful hate speech he’s going to give me, he can’t get in.

I strip out of my school uniform and toss it into the basket next to the closet. When I step into my closet, I find myself staring at the clothes, standing in nothing but my socks and undergarments. For a tiny moment, I remember having Colson’s hands on me while I stare up at the hanging clothes.

I pull a large sweater off a hanger and throw it on. With as much speed as possible, I reach behind me and unclip the bra; I fucking hate wearing these damn things. A sigh of relief escapes my lips as I feel the pressure lighten. I slip it off and toss it into the basket, letting my feet carry me to my bed. Even if it’s the middle of the day and I’m supposed to be at school, why not take advantage of it. A nap would be glorious right now. I doubt Dash and Col will be up anytime soon anyway.

I drop on my bed and pull the small throw blanket over my body; it’s not enough to cover me fully, but enough to cover the parts needed. I snuggle the small pillow that is softer than it should be legally allowed.

My eyes suddenly feel heavy as a yawn splits my face open. I blink a few times, finally letting them fall closed. “Ronni!” My door flies open, scaring the daylights out of me. I snap up, gripping my blanket tightly to my chest.

“Shit, Dash!” I scream at him.

“Ronni. We gotta talk about you and Col,” he says, pulling the chair out in front of my vanity.

“Col and I are none of your business,” I remind him.

“Actually. You are my business, Ron. I can’t just have you fucking whoever you want, whenever you want.” Dash raises an eyebrow at me. It’s like he’s jealous I was with Colson.

“I haven’t fucked him. Hell, that was the first time I’d even seen his dick,” I sigh.

I watch as Dash adjusts in the chair, pulling his slacks at the knee. “Really?”

“Yes. Really.” I cross my legs and prop my elbows up on my knees and my knuckles under my chin.

“So, please tell me why this is any of your business.” I raise my eyebrow at him, looking between his legs where he’s clearly sporting a hard-on.

“You.” He clears his throat. He almost seems nervous, like he wants to say something, something he doesn’t want to say.

“Go on.” I antagonize him. My snarky remark unsettles him. I can see the switch in his posture, the turn to the badass brother that shows no fear.

He stands up, pacing my room like he has more to say. I watch him and see that I wasn’t imagining things in the hallway at school. Dash is as hard as a rock under his slacks. He catches me watching him, and I do everything in my power not to look at it, but my eyes wander anyway. “You like what you see?” he taunts.

“All I see are your pants,” I say with extra attitude, shaking my head like a brat. Egging him on, I doubt he’ll do anything about it. He’s all worked up about something, and the only way to get it out of him is to push him.

“If you want to suck my cock, Ronni, all you have to do is ask.” Dash lifts his shirt. I watch his fingers dance down to his belt. I feel my heart racing as my breath quickens. I pull my lower lip in between my teeth as I watch with eager eyes. Is this wrong? Am I going to hell for wanting to see my step-brother’s penis. Although, it doesn’t matter. If I no longer believe in God, then I don’t believe in Hell.

Dash slowly undoes the belt, then moves to the button, popping it open, and slowly slides the zipper down. This is it. I’m about to see his cock. And I’m excited, yet nervous. Suddenly, I want to do more than see it though. I feel the pull in me, the tingle between my legs. The need to have him closer.

“Dash.” His name is a moaning whisper from my lips as I let out a shaky breath.

“Ask me for it, Ronni.” Dash steps closer to me, within my reach as I inch closer to the edge of the bed.

“Please,” I breathe.
