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Leandro steps in front of me. “If I don’t go, Stacia’s doesn’t go either. I have orders. She’s not leaving my sight.”

I rest my hand on Leandro’s shoulder, pulling him back just a bit. I wouldn’t put it past Esteban to start throwing punches. And the last thing we need is to make a scene.

“I’ll be fine with Esteban. We’re only meeting his family. Why don’t you go find Christos and Bianca? I bet Bianca would appreciate someone else interrupting the awkwardness.” Because we still haven’t had a chance to talk about everything that went down in the meeting room, and Leandro doesn’t know about that. He won’t ever.

Leandro shifts his body to look at me. “I don’t know, beautiful. If something were to happen to you on my watch—”

“It wouldn’t be your watch. It would be mine. And I would take full responsibility. I can even put it in fucking writing if you want, acosador.” Esteban holds out his arm for me. “Come on, mamacita. I can’t wait for you to meet mi familia.”

I gingerly take Esteban’s hand, offering Leandro a small smile.

He groans under his breath, but he doesn’t stop us. Instead, he yells, “I’ll kill you myself, Esteban. And stop calling me a stalker. That’s you and Christos. Yo soy el protector, jefe.”

Esteban howls a laugh and shakes his head, pulling me along with him. I peek behind me, catching Leandro’s gaze as he stays on the dock. He’s not going far. I doubt he’ll actually go to Christos and Bianca as they wait at the beach café around the corner. Esteban hugs me close, sliding his arm around my waist. We stroll together, matching each other’s movements, as if we are one entity. My blond wig blows in the sea breeze, but it does nothing to cool the humidity. Perspiration prickles along my neck, and I wish I could just yank off this wig.

“You drive me loco, mamacita. I can’t tell if you like me or if you just like fucking with them.” Esteban keeps his voice low. “I was hoping we’d finish what we started back at the club on the plane.”

Heat rises from my chest and into my cheeks. How am I supposed to even respond to this?

“Esteban, I’m not into being possessed by any of you. I’m sorry if you don’t like that. I’m choosing not to be monogamous.”

“You didn’t respond to my comment. I’m not going to lie. I’m so fucking attracted to you. So much so that I’m willing to ignore the fact that you have Talon by the balls and Christos by his fucking soul. Even tu acosador looks like he’s ready for you to put a ring on his cock.” Esteban stares at the side of my face, waiting for me to look at him. “I don’t even care if you fuck them. I want to fuck you too. But no more pendejos. You can have your fill of us.”

I don’t even know what to think or how to react. I should feel like a whore, but I don’t. If anything, I feel amazing. I just don’t want him to know that I love the idea of having four sexy men here for me in every way I could want. But it’s complicated. I don’t even know why I included Christos. He’s wearing me down, and I need to keep my space. They could all very well be the end of me. They claim that they’re okay with my decision to not be in a relationship, but how long can that last? One of them could eventually lash out and hurt the others...or me. Not to mention how unfair it might be to them.

Because I wasn’t lying when I told Talon I wasn’t okay if he pursued anyone else. I’m greedy like that.

“Stacia, please say something,” Esteban says, slowing our pace.

I keep my eyes trained ahead of me, staring at a couple of smaller yachts as we head toward one twice the size of the rest at the end of the long dock.

I huff a breath through my lips, gathering my courage to speak my mind. “I’m having a blast with you, Esteban. You’re an amazing kisser, and if you don’t care about the others, then we’re good. I like you. I just don’t want the attachment. I don’t know what’s happening in my life, and I’d prefer just to...I don’t know.”

He chuckles and spins me toward him, stopping to kiss me. I sigh against his lips, the sensation of his mouth setting off my desire. “I’m good with that. I don’t need anything else.”

I giggle and pat his chest, easing away. “But like I told Talon, if you plan to be with me, you can’t be with anyone else.”

Esteban raises an eyebrow. “You say that like I want anyone else, mamacita. No. I just want you. It’s too hard in this world.”

“So you want to be with me because it’s easy?” I tease, circling my fingers over his jaw. “I guess I should make things a bit harder, huh?”

Esteban practically purrs, pulling me close so that our bodies are flush together. He flexes his cock, pressing it against my hip. “No. It’s already so fucking hard.”

“Esteban!” A loud whistle rings through the air, drawing our attention away from each other. “¡Apúrate!”

A handsome man with dark hair and sunglasses waves his hands over his head as he stands on the sundeck of the last yacht withQueen of Heartswritten across it. It’s obvious that Esteban’s cousin belongs to the Miami chapter of the Society of Secrets.

“¡Cállate!” Esteban shouts back, draping his arm across my shoulders. He tugs me along to where the ramp waits on the dock to let us aboard the yacht.

The man meets us on the deck with a handsome smile. Breaking away from me, Esteban closes the space to his cousin and engulfs him in a hug. Esteban smacks the man on the back hard enough to make him huff.

“Mi primo, introduce me to your beautiful girl. I thought you were coming alone.” The man pulls away from Esteban and holds his hand out to me. “Enchanted to meet you, miss...”

“Stacia St. Germaine,” Esteban finishes for him. “Mamacita, this is my cousin, Chiquito Vargas.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Chiquito—”

Barking a laugh, Esteban play-fights him. “It’s my nickname for him. Don’t call him anything else. I never want to hear his real name on your lips.”

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