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She tugged against his grip, but he only pulled her closer, close enough for her to feel the heat of his body. Her own tingled in response, sending pleasant and long dormant signals of desire through her to coil low in her belly.

The fact that she could no longer deny her attraction to him made her more frustrated than ever. She clenched her teeth and fought back the snarl that wanted to escape, striving to keep her tone polite, if not as deferential as a maid ought to be when addressing her employer. “Please let me go, Your Grace.”

“Such formality, and from my lady love?” He smirked. “And... let you go? But my love, I can never do that. You have bewitched me, body and soul.”

She stared at him, incredulous. “Why are you quoting novels at me? Your Grace.” She just barely remembered to include the proper form of address, not that she felt he deserved it, with the scene he was making.

He laughed, which sent titters skittering around the room, and low mocking murmurs. From his reply, the Duke noticed neither. “Why? Because that’s the only thing a man in love can do. Turn to the arts and God, for alas he cannot be healed. Not unless he is one with his love.”

He stepped back but didn’t release her hands. Instead, he lifted her right hand and bowed deeply over it, pressing a kiss to the back. Then he raised his head, looking her in the eyes with an intense expression of equal parts amusement and interest as he continued. “Which is why, my dear Nora, I must ask your hand in marriage, here and now before all theton. Will you accept my heartfelt confession and my suit and take me as your husband, dear and darling Nora?”

Nora stared at him, entirely lost for words in the face of his sheer audacity as the mocking and outraged whispers of the ladies of thetonsurrounded her.


Arthur felt delight coursing through his veins. He’d thought he’d have nothing more to look forward to than his mother’s scandalized reaction. But this…

He hadn’t expected Nora to know about current literature. For that matter, he hadn’t expected a serving girl to know how to read. It wasn’t the average skill set a maid would have.

And the fire in her. He’d expected she’d show some spirit if pressed, but the way she’d responded to his flirtation, the witty responses… ‘sun and moon never meet’ indeed!

And the novel he’d quoted to her had only come out two years ago! The fact that she was familiar enough with it to recognize the quote was intriguing.

He wondered what other surprises were hiding with the fire under that meek little exterior.

Speaking of that…

The entire ton was still watching, and Nora hadn’t yet answered him. And from the look in her eyes... that was not at all encouraging. Every line of her frame was stiff with outraged fury, and her eyes were snapping.

He had a feeling she was neither amused nor inclined to answer favorably. And how was he supposed to respond if she did refuse him? He could laugh it off or dismiss her coldly. Or perhaps play the wounded suitor?

Nora’s mouth opened, and he braced himself for a scathing retort.

Then his mother swooped in, a smile wreathing her features. “My dear! Finally! I was wondering how much longer you were going to dawdle about on the matter.” She embraced both of them before sweeping around them to face the assembled members of the ton, none of whom were even pretending to be uninterested anymore.

“Lords and Ladies, I have an announcement to make.” In the instant hush that followed, her voice carried clearly. “As you all have no doubt noticed, my darling son has just made a rather... startling proposal. However, I should like to tell you that, despite the invitations that were issued, this was never intended to be a birthday celebration for myself, but rather an engagement party for my son and the lady with whom he has become enamored.”

What? What is Mother…?

He knew quite well she was lying, and from the gleam in her eye, he sensed that she was up to something.

“It came to my attention some time ago that my son had feelings for the sweet young lady I hired to be my maid. Nora has been a well-loved and well-respected fixture of my household. And after much consideration, I believe she will make, with a little guidance, a fine Duchess.”

What? She thinks…

Unease coiled in his gut and cooled some of his previous amusement.

His mother continued, eyes sparkling as she gave them both another smile. “It is perhaps a little sudden, especially with the banns not having been posted, but Arthur did so want to surprise his lady. Why he’s been planning it for some time, and I hadn’t the heart to dissuade him. Of course, now that he’s made his proposal, we’ll have the formal announcements written and posted as soon as possible.”

We will?

His mother’s satisfied smile was only a little bit more disconcerting than the whispers he could hear circulating through the Society members. A quick glance around the room showed amusement on the faces of his fellow gentlemen and scandalized disapproval on the faces of the ladies, what could be seen over the glittering and waving fans.

His mother raised a cup, and the crowd quieted once more. “To my son, Arthur, and his lady.” A chorus of agreement echoed around the room, somewhat muted but still enough for his mother to turn round to whisper to him. “Well done, darling. An excellent choice. And I had almost given up hope that you had it in you.” She offered him a smug little grin and a subtle secondary toast with her cup before drinking.

Her reaction threw him off balance. He struggled to find words, perhaps to laugh it away as a jest. The plan he’d come up with in a moment of mischief was not working out the way he’d intended. Instead of irritation, he appeared to have garnered his mother’s approval, and instead of flattering Nora, he seemed to have enraged her.

He wondered if there was a way to gracefully dismiss the whole thing and put his mother off the idea without inciting another wave of rumors when David, Ralph, and Samuel managed to emerge from the assembly. All three of them were grinning.

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