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“I do not. Only for the man whom I encountered last night. You see... I met him four years ago.”

“Four years... you cannot mean…” Scarlett’s eyes went wide.

“Yes. I did not know his real name then, and I did not stay to learn it last night, so I know only that he is a close associate of the Duke’s. He was among the first to come to congratulate him. And I... I do not want him to know about Lydia, not at all.”

“I do not blame you. But you never told me he was a member of theton.” Scarlett’s voice was gentle.

“I did not want to think of it any more than I had to.” Nora shivered. “I did not want to think of... of him.”

“Well, I cannot fault you for that. Although…” Scarlett’s eyes glinted with a sharpness that Nora had last seen when a shopkeeper had tried to cheat them on the price of cloths for Lydia. “If he is a member of the ton... he has a position of wealth and ease that he does not deserve, particularly if he will not care for his own child. A fine vengeance it would be if you were to marry a Duke, who most likely has greater wealth and influence than his own and raise his child to be his better in every way.”

Nora blinked. Scarlett continued with a savage smile. “And in any case, whether you reveal that fact to him or not... make him see you. Make him see you... every day, every event, at every social function... the woman he scorned. Let him see what sort of wife he passed over in his folly. Let him try to keep the secret of his shameful behavior while looking you in the eye every time he greets his friend.”

Despite herself, Nora smiled. She did rather like the idea of being able to look scornfully down her nose at the man who had seduced her and caused her such worry and hardship; however mitigated it might be by Scarlett’s unfaltering support.

But one thought still held her back. “And what of Lydia? How would I present her to my husband-to-be, were I to accept his offer? How would he take the news of a child who is not his own?” She shivered as another thought occurred to her. “Even if the Duke should be accepting and willing to raise her with me, I would be expected to present Lydia to the ton. And he... he would surely... I do not want her exposed to the whispers, the stares. To the possibility of encountering that man.”

“And why should you? A Duchess may have her whims, Nora dear.” Scarlett renewed her reassuring hand clasp. “There’s no reason Lydia and I cannot remain here until you feel more comfortable, or even if you never do. And as Duchess, you’ll never have to worry about providing for your little one. She can have good clothes, food, and pretty toys to match such a pretty child. Sweets. You could give her everything!”

“I... everything? But surely, such bounty, coming to a house like this?”

“Then we will find another, one better suited. And just think... I know you have worried over Lydia’s education. For all that you’re well-read, and I have some education of my own, we are neither of us well enough taught to teach a child. But if you accept the Duke’s suit, it would be no effort to hire a tutor!”

“And how would I explain that?” She couldn’t deny the good sense of Scarlett’s arguments, but neither was she sure about yielding. “Why would I secure a tutor... if I did not introduce the child?”

“Why else? Tell the truth or pass it off as a favor to a friend. You did say that the Duke is aware that you do not live on the estate. Let him know of us and assume what he will about myself and the babe. Lydia and I will know the truth, and what else matters?” She tossed her head.

Nora blinked, eyes watering. “But that would... your reputation... and you would be responsible for Lydia... even more than you’ve already done…”

“Hah. I would do far more.” Scarlett smiled, warmth sparkling in her eyes. “Ever since that night in the rain... you’ve become family to me, in every way that matters. Blood or no, I’d call you kin as soon as calling you friend. Why should I not help you and the little one get everything you deserve.” The smile took on a wry edge. “And it’s not as though my reputation is so very pristine even now, with my modeling job.” She shrugged gently.

“It still seems like... I feel as if I might be taking advantage…”

“Nonsense. You and the babe are the only family I have, and I’m happy to help you. And why should I care about the opinions of the ton? Particularly if their number includes the cad who has done you so much wrong?”

Nora considered. There was truth in Scarlett’s words. Marriage to the Duke of Bedford would see her well-set in terms of finances and opportunities. With only a little work, she could provide everything Lydia might ever want or need.

And had the Duke not said there was no reason their private lives needn’t intersect? He had said she could have her own life outside of his, so long as she was discreet. She had kept her secret this long; there was no reason to think she could not keep it longer.

It would be easier in some respects. She could visit during the day instead of being always at the estate. And in the off-season, she could visit more regularly, as she wouldn’t have the social duties that a wife of a Duke did during the Season.

There was also the Dowager to consider. As a maid, their relations had been constrained somewhat by their relative stations, and even then, the Dowager had been kind. As the wife of the Duke, she could have a real relationship with the older woman. Perhaps even find another mother figure to guide her, as her own could no longer do.

And... she blushed to think of it, but it was true... the Duke was easy on the eyes. And he seemed a relatively good-humored man if sometimes a bit crass and impulsive. He might not ask more than her attention every so often, and in the meantime, he might be a more permissive husband than many.

In any case, he was a better match in age, looks, and personality than Lord Graven had been. For an arranged marriage that was not based on love, she already knew she could do far worse.

Scarlett noticed the blush, and a sly smile quirked one corner of her mouth. “So there are some benefits to matching with the Duke? Perhaps a body that’s more to your taste than his manners?”

Nora felt her cheeks heat to the point that she might have been able to heat Lydia’s milk on them. “I did not say so much.”

“You did not have to. Your expression says it all. And you did say you had seen him without clothing.” An arched eyebrow joined the sly smile. “He is handsome, no?”

“He… he is. Tallish. Blond. He is... he is well built, I believe. Certainly, he is not overweight or poorly formed.” She found herself smiling. “He has very lovely eyes. Sometimes the color of honey, sometimes the color of grass, and bright... very bright.” She shook herself, forcing her mind away from the thoughts of the Duke’s handsome face. “Not that it matters.”

“I don’t know... he sounds quite the catch. And mayhap you can mend the faults of his personality. Many a decent man has only been made so through the efforts of a better woman.”

“You think it worth the effort, then?” She felt a fluttering sensation in her stomach, a bit of excitement, and a good share of nervousness. For all that, she was unwilling to risk further exposure to someone who had once involved her in scandal and gotten her disowned.
