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“Oh, do call me Abigail, young lady. There’s no need for such formality among family, and I understand you are Nora’s sister?”

“In a manner of speaking, my lady. More an informal adoption than any sort of blood relation, but I do love her as though we shared parents.”

“And that is all the better. Has Nora told you the news yet?”

“She has not.” Scarlett eyed Nora with the question in her voice, though there was a gleam that suggested she knew quite well what news the Dowager was referring to.

“Last night my son, the Duke, proposed to Nora. And she accepted his suit this morning.” The Dowager smiled.

“Congratulations, Nora dear.” Scarlett hugged her with a delighted smile. “Did you come here just to tell me?”

“I would have done, but it is actually another matter that brings us to the house. The Dowager…”

“Abigail.” The older woman interjected primly, and Nora flushed.

“...Abigail has declared that I need new clothing and in time for a formal supper tomorrow night.”

“Well, she’s not wrong about that, dear.” Scarlett’s smile took on a playful aspect. “You do dress well as you can within your means, Nora darling, but even your best is hardly a thing that would be worn in Society. If you’re marrying a Duke, your wardrobe needs changing.”

“I am aware. But the... Abigail... she has suggested that it might be best for me to have an escort, considering the station I am soon to have. And I could think of no one else, though…”

“Mama?” A sleepy, childish voice interrupted the conversation. From the shadows of the room, a small form stumbled forward.

Scarlett turned, bent, and scooped Lydia up in her arms before the child reached them. “Oh darling, I didn’t realize we’d woken you.”

Lydia scrubbed one tiny hand across her eyes, then flopped almost bonelessly into Scarlett’s shoulder. “Tired.”

“I know, sweet one.” Scarlett glanced at Nora. “She’s been like this all day.”

“I see.” Lydia was well-behaved typically, but it was a bit odd for her to be so lethargic. “If you need to stay home…”

“Oh, nonsense. Just let me go speak to Mrs. Shelton down the way. I’m sure she’ll be willing to watch over the wee one for a bit.”

Shelton. That was the name of Scarlett’s current employer, an older painter with a moderately good reputation who made a comfortable living with his work.

Scarlett bundled Lydia into her shoes and a blanket, then led them up the street and across two streets over, where the cottages were larger and somewhat nicer, some even with a second floor. She made her way confidently to a single-story one halfway down and knocked softly on the door. “Mrs. Shelton.”

Moments later, an older lady, about the Dowager’s age, opened the door, a warm smile on her face. “Scarlett darling. Whatever brings you here? Benjamin is out, I believe.”

“I suppose he is, but ‘tis you I came to see.” Scarlett smiled back. “I believe you wanted to meet the little one, Lydia. And as it happens, I’ve an errand to run with my sister Nora, and I was wondering if you could watch the babe for me until we return.”

“Oh, of course, of course. Just bring her in and put her on the bed in the back room.” Mrs. Shelton craned her neck and looked at Lydia’s heavy-lidded face. “Oh, she is a darling.”

“Thank you.” Scarlett disappeared into the house with the older woman, then reappeared moments later. “Now that’s settled, shall we?”

“Of course. There is no reason to delay.” The Dowager turned and made her way back to the carriage, which had dutifully followed a short distance behind, leaving the two girls to come along behind.

Nora glanced at Scarlett in bemusement. “You and I are both very lucky that Mrs. Shelton was willing to take her. However did you know she would?”

“Because she likes me, and she said if I ever needed a favor, I’d only to ask.” Scarlett smiled fondly. “Poor woman, most of her husband’s models will keep trying to seduce him, thinking he’s more money than he does, or that he can introduce them in higher circles.”

Scarlett shrugged. “Nothing ever comes of it, Benjamin never has eyes for aught but his wife and his work, but it does make her uncomfortable.”

“But you’ve never pursued him, I dare say.”

“Not in the least. You know full well I’m not the marrying type. Nor the type to act a scarlet woman, never mind my name.” Scarlett grinned at the long-held joke between them. “That’s why I get as much work as I do, you know. Because the wives generally like me quite as well as the artists do.”

Nora smiled back and looped her arm through Scarlett’s. “One of the many reasons you make such an excellent chaperone for today.” She tightened her grip on Scarlett’s arm and dropped her voice to a whisper. “And, as it happens, I do have some news you have not truly heard before.”
