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Arthur had arrived home to find Nora and his mother still out and decided to bring his gig out to meet them. He knew which shops his mother liked best, and he was curious to see what sort of style she would choose for Nora.

He was surprised to see his mother and Nora standing on the walk, a third woman accompanying them. Arthur pulled the conveyance to a slower pace so he could study the new individual.

That woman is her sister?

The unknown woman was taller than Nora, with tanned skin, dark eyes, and deep red hair. There was an air of confidence in the way she stood, as opposed to how Nora seemed to have drawn into herself. There was little resemblance between the two, and he found himself wondering if there were some truth to Ralph’s supposition.

He forced the thought away. It was entirely possible that Nora took after one of their parents while her sister took after the other. There was also the possibility of adoption. It wasn’t exactly common, but not unheard of, even among the working classes.

He drew the gig to a stop and stepped down just as Nora turned her head and looked him in the eye. He was startled by the tension that tightened her shoulders, wariness in her eyes. He considered, then elected not to address it for the moment as he stepped up and joined the loose circle. “Mother.”

“Arthur. I thought you were at the club.”

“I was. But I finished my business early, and I thought I would come to meet you at the shops.” He eyed them curiously. “I would have thought you might have made at least one purchase. For that matter, I rather thought you would still be shopping.”

“I fear Elizabeth is not the appropriate seamstress to provide for us in this particular instance.” There was a story behind the chilly tone that had entered his mother’s voice, of that he was certain. He was equally certain, from the hurt look on Nora’s face and the stormy look on her companion’s, that there would be a more appropriate time to inquire about it. “We shall be ordering from the Italian designers this year.”

“As you like. Is there somewhere I can escort you to?”

“For now, I shall have the seamstress come to us, I think. We shall return to the manor and let this young lady return to her own routine, which I am aware we have disrupted.”

“It was no trouble.” The redhead shook her head. “I do appreciate the invitation, though I own that I do have things I need to be doing.”

“Well, I would be happy to take you wherever you wish to go.” Arthur couldn’t help the slight excitement that sparked inside him. Perhaps, if he could get to know the young woman, he might have a chance to learn something more about Nora without seeming too inquisitive to the lady herself.

He was puzzled at the way Nora’s shoulders tightened, a brief look of dismay sweeping over her face before she schooled her expression. She exchanged a glance with the young woman escorting her. Had he not been watching, he would have missed the quick, small head shake Nora made or the slight nod her companion made in response.

Then the young woman was turning to him, a polite smile on her face as she dipped her head in polite negation. “Thank you for the offer, but I think I’ll make my own way. I’d not wish to keep you, and I still need to visit the market.” She turned away before he could make a response.

Then she was gone, hurrying up the street in a swirl of skirts and around the corner. Arthur stared after, feeling a sense of frustration. Why had Nora warned her sister away?

He sighed and throttled the feeling back until he could give Nora an exasperated glance, eyebrow raised and a small smile hovering on his lips. “I should like to know why every young lady I speak with these days is so keen on running in the other direction?”

Nora flushed, and he smiled to himself. Perhaps he might get some answers after all.

* * *

Arthur’s appearance, coming so soon after the seamstress’s harsh dismissal, was like cold water on the back of her neck. She had not expected to see him again until the next day, having anticipated that she would go home after their shopping was concluded, and that he would likely be at his club for some time.

She watched him as he spoke with his mother, taking in the way his riding jacket and boots outlined his strong frame and the line of his muscular legs. She had told Scarlett that he was easy to look at, and standing on the cobblestones in all his casual poise, it was easy to see how the man had won both his reputation and the multiple lovers that gave truth to it.

Arthur’s offer to drive Scarlett where she wished to go jolted her thoughts back to the conversation and sent panic sparking through her. She could not picture what the neighbors would think to see a fine carriage at her door twice in one day.

And Lydia... Scarlett was planning to collect Lydia before returning home. Could she continue the ruse once Arthur actually saw her daughter? It had been luck alone that Lydia had been too sleepy to elaborate on her simple plea in the presence of the Dowager.

What might happen if she was awake enough to call Scarlett ‘Auntie’ the way she usually did? And worse, if Arthur and his mother happened to speak of the matter and discover the discrepancy?

She caught Scarlett’s eye and shook her head, hoping her friend would understand the message she dared not speak aloud.

No. She was in no way ready for Arthur to see her daughter or their home. She shook her head, relieved when Scarlett nodded in response and gave Arthur a smooth refusal before disappearing up the street.

Nora felt relieved, but the nerves returned when Arthur turned to her, a sardonic smile hovering on his lips and an eyebrow raised. “I should like to know why every young lady I speak with these days is so keen on running in the other direction?”

She blushed, knowing he was referring to their previous interactions, including the one from this morning, following their kiss. From the tiny glint of laughter that sparked in his honey-toned eyes, he could guess what direction her thoughts had taken.

The Dowager had already turned toward his waiting carriage after sending her own back to the house. Arthur hurried over and handed his mother up. Once she was settled, he held out his hand to Nora.

She swallowed and placed her hand in his. Arthur smirked, drawing her closer under the pretense of guiding her into the carriage. Just before he guided her up, he leaned in close and whispered in her ear. “I do think we need to talk, my lady.”

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