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It took all her control not to reel again, this time in a combination of breathless uncertainty and pain.

Wedding invitations? Who was she to invite? What family could she call upon?

She forced her mind to work and gave out the first number that entered her thoughts. “Two.”

Scarlett and Lydia. If she invited no one else, she would invite them.

Then her mind made more connections. “No. My apologies, but it would be more. Perhaps as many as... seven, I think.”

For all she was disowned, she could not bear to refrain from inviting her family. Perhaps nothing would come of it. But maybe they would accept if it were phrased correctly.

And then they might see Lydia and be reassured she was not a poor mother. They might even…

They might even forgive me. Perhaps my father might even embrace me once more.The thought was like a knife in her heart, with the mixed bitterness of loss and the sweetness of hope.

It was like a dream, the image of her parents embracing her as she stood dressed in her wedding finery. Her parents, and her aunt whom she had hardly written to since she was disowned.

The bell for dinner jarred her from her thoughts, and she moved to take Arthur’s arm once more as they filed into the formal dining room.


By the time they sat down to the meal, he had a sense that half the members of their party were highly amused by Nora’s deft deflections, and the rest were somewhat frustrated but far too polite to say anything.

For himself, he had elected to follow his mother’s example of thinly veiled amusement. It was far more relaxing than frustration. Besides, if things progressed as he wished he would have many other nights, weeks, or even years to discover the answers to his questions.

The first course was served, a light soup that was more broth than anything more substantial. He had been prepared for Nora to perhaps need some guidance as to which spoon to choose, but she selected the correct one without hesitation and proceeded to slide it into the soup, dip the spoon full, and sip delicately from the side of the bowl, as neat and quiet as a lady of the court might be.

The Lady Ablemarle watched her with a delicately raised eyebrow. “You have been to a formal table, dear?”

Nora smiled gently. “I have had some opportunity to observe the proper etiquette for a formal meal. One does, in a household such as this.”

“Well, you are a very quick study, my dear.” The lady smiled as well, clearly charmed by Nora’s quiet, unassuming manner.

“Thank you for the compliment.” Nora dipped her head in response and continued to sip delicately at the contents of her bowl.

The bowls were cleared away, and he rose to supervise the carving and serving of the roast that was laid out. He offered his mother the first cut, as was proper, then offered the second serving to Nora. She accepted with polite agreement, taking the slice, as well as the roasted potatoes he offered just after.

Once the dishes had all been served, she showed no hesitation in selecting the proper silverware nor in cutting her meat into dainty bites and eating it neatly.

Her manners were the equal of his mother’s and would have done any family in the ton proud.

He was beginning to hope that the meal might conclude without incident when Samuel, who was seated further down the table, spoke up. His cheeks were the ruddy color that indicated he had been imbibing a bit too much wine, though his words were clear. “So then... tell us how a maid managed to ensnare the heart of our Arthur? We all thought he was a determined bachelor before.”

“Exactly!” Ralph chimed in. “How did it happen?”

Nora flushed, but her tone was calm and contained when she answered. “It was really a gradual process, sir. I cannot speak for Arthur’s feelings on the matter, but it was not something I planned.”

“Well, one needn’t plan everything. A brush in a corridor, an inopportune entrance into a bathing chamber…” Samuel trailed off. Arthur felt the back of his neck heat, remembering their third encounter, the one Nora suspected he had engineered.

“I cannot say that there was anything of the sort.” Nora shook her head, setting her utensils aside to indicate she was finished, though her plate was far from empty. “And I cannot say that I find this topic of discussion particularly appropriate.”

“No less so than a maid marrying a Duke. Come now, you must tell us something of it. Arthur’s been quiet on the matter.” Samuel chuckled at his own wit, seemingly unaware of the discomfort of his fellow diners.

David spoke from his seat. “I’ll own I’m curious. It isn’t the usual thing at all. Though, you’re quite well-mannered for a maid.” He flushed and stiffened in his seat, his expression and Annabelle’s exasperated one suggesting she had given him some form of warning.

“I thank you for the compliment. But there is little to tell.”

“And I do think that is quite enough of questioning my fiancée on matters that are no one’s business but our own.” Arthur extended his hand and touched her fingers in a manner he hoped was supportive. He was glad when her shoulders relaxed.
