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“I do know. And you should know that if you do, I’ll be happy to break your head like an egg and knock the sense back into you.”

Surprised laughter broke free from him. “That is all I ask. Well, that and one other thing.” He paused. “Would you, by chance, know where Nora and the babe have gone?”

Scarlett smirked. “Well, Your Grace... ‘tis your lucky day, for indeed I do know. And if you promise to bring her back, I’ll tell you.”

“I promise.” Arthur nodded and devoted his full attention to listening to what Scarlett told him.

* * *

Nora stared wearily up at that modest townhouse in front of her, trying to muster the energy to step forward and ring the bell.

She’d had no sleep, tending Lydia during her fever, for all that her little darling seemed recovered now. And then they had packed and boarded the Royal Mail Coach.

They had been fortunate enough to secure seats inside the coach, by benefit of Nora agreeing to keep Lydia on her lap the whole trip. Their luggage had been loaded in good order, and they had departed only a few hours after her confrontation with Arthur.

The trip had been a grueling one. Fourteen hours over the uneven roads between London and Bath, with a child on her lap. Lydia had napped sometimes, but Nora had been too preoccupied with keeping her safe and what she would say when they arrived to sleep.

By the time they’d arrived in Bath, she was stiff, sore, hungry, and bone-achingly weary. And the journey was not yet done.

Finding a conveyance to take them to her aunt’s house had not been easy, not with Lydia drooping by her side and her own haggard appearance. Four had passed them before a kind driver had stopped and taken them on board.

And now they had arrived, unexpected and uninvited, and she had no certainty of their welcome.

And yet, there was nothing else to be done.

She staggered forward, Lydia in her arms, and rang the bell.

It felt like an eternity passed before the latch clicked, and the door swung open to reveal a familiar figure in a neat suit. Nora smiled. “Hello, Garner. Is my aunt in?”

She needn’t have asked, for a figure in a morning gown came bustling out of a front room with a cry of delight and darted forward to embrace her. “Nora, my dear! Come in, come in.”

“Good morning, Aunt Evelyn.”

“Good morning. Come in, come in.” Her aunt motioned for Garner to take her bags. “Oh, such a lovely surprise! I’ve scarcely heard from you since all that nonsense a few years back.”

Nora nodded and tried to form a response, but the last of her energy was fading, and her tongue felt thick and heavy.

Her aunt spotted Lydia a moment later. “And who is this adorable young lady?”

Nora gathered some final scraps of energy to reply. “This is my daughter, Lydia.”

“Such a beautiful little child.” Her aunt turned to speak to her and noticed her drawn expression. “You look exhausted, Nora darling. Where were you traveling from?”


Her aunt clicked her tongue. “Then it is no surprise you are half asleep on your feet. Come, Garner can show you to some appropriate rooms for you and that precious little darling you have there. We can discuss everything when you’ve had a proper lie in.”

Nora nodded and followed her aunt’s manservant up the stairs and down a short hall that housed the family rooms. The one Garner guided her to had a lovely large bed in the center of it.

Nora paused just long enough to remove her shoes, her outer garments, and Lydia’s before she collapsed into the softness of the pillows with a sigh of bliss.

She was asleep before Garner had even finished leaving the room.


Nora awoke feeling much refreshed and much calmer. Her heart still ached, but at least she’d had enough sleep that her head no longer pounded in sympathy, and some of the hot grittiness had left her eyes.

She rose and dressed, then went out into the hall. Cheerful laughter greeted her, and she followed the source to her aunt’s morning room.
