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Scarlett shrugged. “Well, he did turn up before a full day passed. Better than I expected, with the state he left you in. I couldn’t leave you both so distressed, now could I?”

Her lips were smiling, but he saw the soft sadness hiding under her attempt at nonchalance as she continued. “I suppose you and the wee one will be moving in with your Duke then?”

“We will.” Nora took her friend’s hand with both of her own. “And we would like you to come with us as well.”

“I beg your pardon?” Arthur was hard put not to laugh at the expression on her face. “And what would I be doing in a Duke’s house?”

“If you did nothing at all, it would be well deserved for all your kindness these past years. But I know you would not like such a life. But Lydia will need a caretaker when Arthur and I are not available. And who better than her beloved Auntie Scarlett?”

Scarlett blinked, her eyes flickering back and forth between them. Then she smiled and hugged first Nora, then Arthur. “I’ll be glad to come then. Truth, the last two days I’ve missed you and the babe sorely.”

“Well, you need not miss us any longer. You need only collect your things, and we shall all go home.”

Packing up the belongings of the cottage’s three occupants took less than half an hour. Some blankets were rolled into makeshift bags, and a small collection of toys, clothes, and knickknacks were packed away.

Scarlett left briefly and returned to tell them that Mrs. Shelton would be taking the things they left behind, like the mismatched dishes. Nora smiled. “She will make good use of them, I am sure.” A small frown crossed her face. “Will you need to return to finish your work with Mister Shelton?”

“No. I did ask, but he says he is far enough along that it is not worth worrying about. There’s no concerns on that front.”

Arthur found his curiosity piqued. “Might I ask what work you did?”

Scarlett smirked. “I’ve been a model for artists for some few years.” She shrugged. “It was not the worst profession, though I’ll own I’m happy enough to leave it. I’m not getting any younger, and the work is not always steady.”

There were many things he could have said and many things he would have said a month ago, but in the end, he managed to rein himself in, limiting himself to a dip of the head in acknowledgment and a smile. “I am sure you were quite a good model.”

“Thank you, Your Grace.” And with that, the conversation was over. Arthur handed the two ladies up into the carriage after Jack had loaded the packed items, and they were away, leaving the cottage behind forever.


The night air in the garden was pleasantly cool, with a light breeze blowing through the ornamental bushes. Nora barely noticed it. She was more interested in the warmth of Arthur’s arms around her, his large hands gentle and strong on her waist.

She was more interested in the muscular chest pressed against her back, the firm and steady heartbeat resonating against her ear as Arthur cradled her against him, both of them standing together in the soft moonlight of the garden and amid the fragrance of the flowers.

Arthur’s voice rumbled from overhead, from where his chin pressed gently against her hair. “The night is lovely. But you my darling are a thousand times lovelier still—the moon must be jealous of you.”

“Not the sun?” She laughed with him.

“The sun is envious of me, my darling Nora, for unlike the sun, I can love you and hold you, and the sun shall do neither.”

She felt her heart skip a beat. “You…”

“I love you. With all my heart.” Arthur urged her to turn and face him, and she turned willingly. “I love you, Nora. I love your forthright manners, and the way you smile. I love your friend Scarlett and how she stands up for you. I love that you are a mother and love your daughter so deeply as you do.”

She felt as though she had swallowed the best mulled wine, rich and strong and sweet, filling her with a flowing warmth that made her feel heady, and almost drunk with joy. Nonetheless, she found words.

“And I love you, with all my heart. I love you with your smiles and flirting and the way you dance. I love you for your ridiculous way of proposing and for coming all the way to Bath to find me. I love you for helping me bring Scarlett and for everything you have done. I love you for loving Lydia. I love you for being Arthur Russell. My wonderful, handsome Duke of Bedford.”

“And I am happy we have finally had a chance to say it.” Arthur’s hands shifted from her waist to frame her face. “I love you.” He tipped his head to kiss her.

The kiss before had been warm and sweet. This was hungry, tongues dueling as much as they were exploring. Her hands clenched in the front of his shirt, her right palm feeling the heartbeat that she had heard before as it sped up and pounded with their rising passion.

Her own chest felt hot and tight. Tingling ran across her nerves like small darts of lightning.

Leaning closer brought her into contact with evidence of Arthur’s own growing interest. She hummed into his mouth and leaned a little closer. Arthur made a muffled sound.

After a moment, he drew back. Nora blinked at him, mind hazy with desire. Arthur stared at her for a long moment, then sighed and pressed his forehead to hers. “Darling.”

She blinked at him again. “Arthur…”
