Page 23 of Soul of a Man

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“Yes, please.”

While he was fixing her another plate, Cara reached out and carefully refilled her wine glass.

“I’d be careful if I were you. You had a shock to your system with the burns then the aspirin. It might not be wise to drink too much wine.”

Cara waved his concern away with a bandaged hand. “I’ll be fine. We have wine with our meals at home, and ours is much stronger than yours.”

“If you say so.”

They both dug into their food, and it wasn’t long before they sat back, stuffed.

“I may never move again. That was the best meal I’ve ever had. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. It was just spaghetti, though.”

“It was ambrosia.”

Jericho looked at the beautiful woman who was barely able to remain sitting upright. She was on her third glass of wine.

Jericho frowned. The last thing he wanted to deal with was an intoxicated woman who had mental challenges while he had been without a good fuck for six months.

He ignored her natural sexiness when her little, pink tongue licked a small drop of sauce from a wine-glazed lip.

“You better get to bed while the wine has eased the pain in your hands.”

He started clearing the table as she got up.



Jericho breathed a sigh of relief, glad the temptation of the woman was out of his sight. He had no intention of getting involved with her. The only use he had for a woman was on her back with her legs wrapped firmly around his waist.

Cara was trouble, pure temptation, and Jericho knew better than to tempt Fate.

Chapter 7

Cara woke early the next morning with the bright sunshine pouring through the window. She dressed slowly, knowing Jericho would drive her into town as soon as possible. She walked slowly into the living room, finding she wasn’t wrong.

He was waiting for her with his keys in hand.

“I’ll get my coat.”

Jericho refused to feel guilty at the hurt look in her eyes.

When she returned wearing her coat, they walked to the truck where he silently opened the door for her, mindful of her hurt hands.

The ride into town was silent. Haden was a small town with a small population, yet the main road was backed up with traffic.

“I wonder what’s going on. I’ve never seen the town this busy.”

Jericho saw several of the cars had out of town license plates as he parked his truck in front of the diner.

“Let’s grab a bite to eat, and then I’ll help you find a place to stay.”

Cara followed him into a small diner where they sat at a booth that a small family left. As the family passed by, Cara winked at the small child held in her mother’s arms. Not long after, Jericho handed her a menu, wanting the ordeal over.

Cara looked up when a perky brunette came to their table with a pad in her hand. Her brightly colored lips curled into a smile that Cara had seen on Venus and Aphrodite’s lips hundreds of times. Cara looked at Jericho to see his reaction, which was an answering smile.
