Page 27 of Soul of a Man

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“Yes, that’s a good idea. I will replace it when I get paid.” Tammy closed her dazed eyes when Grimm pulled her even closer in approval.

Jericho thought Tammy would climax from the gesture, disgusted with the turn of events. He didn’t care about losing Tammy for the sex; what he did care about was not being able to get rid of Cara.

“Now that I know she has relatives to take care of her, why should I take her back to my cabin? You can collect her when you’ve finished with her.” He gave a curt nod in Tammy’s direction.

“Well, that may take some time, and we don’t want Cara sitting here all alone, do we? After all, the enemies who are responsible for her vacation are looking for her.”

Cara stiffened, afraid not for herself, but for her sisters. If their unknown enemy was looking for her, it only made sense they would be searching for her sisters also.

“Besides, I would hate to make a phone call back to the sheriff in Corbin, letting him know you’ve been with the woman he’s been searching for. I don’t know how these things work, but he might put you in jail for interfering with police business.”

Jericho knew when he was beat. He was stuck with her until the road opened, and he could get her a room at the inn. How long could it take? A day at the most? Jericho was man enough to admit when he was outmaneuvered. However, he couldn’t let Grimm leave without one final shot.

“When we meet again, I won’t be stuffed into a booth, unable to move,” Jericho threatened the last man he should ever want to make angry.

Cara cast Grimm an imploring look not to hurt him as Grimm turned back with the woman who was whimpering with desire in his arms. He stroked her cheek. ”Just a few more minutes, kitten.” He turned his black eyes to Jericho. “The next time we meet, I won’t be there to protect Cara; it will be because I’m doing my job.” He hesitated long enough until he knew Jericho understood his deadly message. Grimm couldn’t resist a taunting grin before he led the now panting waitress out of the restaurant.

Jericho turned backed to his cold food. “Eat. I know you’re hungry.”

Cara didn’t say anything, afraid he would leave her behind. He was furious with Grimm, and Cara couldn’t blame him. In all fairness, he had seen that she was taken care of, and she had repaid him by letting Grimm treat him abominably. They had broken into the privacy of his past, taken his woman, and had threatened him in a roundabout way with Hell.

“I’ll get him. He can help me find a place to stay.” Cara started to rise from the booth and go after Grimm. She only hoped she could catch him before he got busy with Tammy.

“Sit down.” His harsh voice stopped her. “Eat.” Then his voice softened. “When you’re finished, we’ll head home.”

Cara nodded and dropped her head, shoving a forkful of food past the lump in her throat at the thought that he had said they would gohome. Cara knew he hadn’t meant it the way she had taken it, but she felt the warmth spread to her now human heart.

Chapter 8

When they entered the cabin, Cara expected Jericho to leave her to her own devices, but she was pleasantly surprised.

“Would you like to watch some television?”

“Yes, thank you.”

They settled on the couch, and Jericho used a small remote to change the machine on the wall. Cara was fascinated as the glass-front machine changed pictures.

“What kind of shows do you like?”

“I don’t know.”

Jericho laughed at her. “I guess you don’t have television where you’re from.”

“No, we don’t.”

“Then you’re in for a real treat.”

The pictures changed several more times before they stopped. Cara watched as two women talked then started eating something really fast.

“This is called reality television. Real people do things, and people watch them at home.”

They watched for several minutes until the program went off. Then Jericho turned the pictures again until another show appeared.

“This is called a comedy.”

It didn’t take long before her soft laughter filled the small cabin.

“Would you like a beer?”
