Page 32 of Soul of a Man

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Destiny stood, gaping at her sister. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

Fate shrugged. “It’s not as if I put the program on, I just gave her a nudge to turn the channel.”

Destiny’s eyes rounded even more as she watched Cara’s movements before turning back to her sister.

“Oh, close your mouth, Destiny. I just realized I may have protected Cara a little too much for her own good.”

“So you put on porn for her?” Her strangled voice was filled with laughter.

“Not porn, erotica, and I didn’t put it on. As I said, it was already on.”

Destiny nodded dumbly at her sister, “Yes, I can see the difference.”

Fate gave a sinister smile. “I bet, the next time he touches her, he won’t walk away so easily.”

Shocked, Destiny could only stare at Fate, realizing that, even after all these centuries, her sister could still do the unexpected.

“If he’s able to walk at all.” Destiny burst out laughing.

For the first time since her daughters’ disappearances, Fate smiled. She didn’t laugh, but she came close.

Chapter 9

Cara dressed as soon as the sun rose in the morning. It had been a long night, and she had tossed and turned for most of it. When she heard Jericho leave his room, she opened her door and met him in the hallway.

He turned toward her, noticing she looked like she hadn’t slept. Jericho hardened himself against her. Obviously, he had made the right choice not to take her up on her offer of a second go around when she had trouble dealing with the first. Her feelings were hurt, and he saw no reason to prolong her pain.

“Give me a couple of minutes to get my boots on. I’ll meet you at the truck.”

Cara nodded. Then, without a word and with her nose stuck in the air, she brushed passed him in the small hallway, put her coat on, and went outside into the cool morning. The door closed behind her with a soft click that said a thousand words.

Jericho gritted his teeth. He wanted to shake her silly. He was getting fed up with the injured, innocent act. She was damn lucky she hadn’t provoked the side of him that she was tempting, or she would have trouble sitting for a couple of days. The sooner he got rid of her, the better.

Cara walked over to the truck, wishing she had thought to ask for the keys because she was beginning to shiver in the early morning air. Her body still hadn’t acclimated to the change in environment.

Out of the corner of her eye, Cara noticed a movement at the tree line surrounding the house. Curious, she turned, thinking it was her imagination, and she spotted a huge wolf running straight for her. Frightened, Cara turned to run; however, the wolf was faster.

The breath was knocked from her when the wolf took a running jump at her and connected with her back. The wolf lay on top of her as Cara heard loud explosions and glass shattering.

When the wolf moved to stand next to her, she rolled over on her back, only to see the wolf running to the tree line before turning to growl back at her. Confused, Cara couldn’t understand what was going on as she sat up.

When she then turned toward the cabin, trying to get her shaky legs underneath her, Jericho flung the door open. He had obviously heard the commotion outside. Before he could move from the doorway, though, the wood frame next to his head shattered into pieces as a bullet struck it. That was when it finally dawned on Cara’s dumbfounded mind that they were being shot at.

She looked around to find the best cover, realizing she was out in the open, as she scrambled to her feet and started to run toward Jericho. However, when another shot shattered his front window, she realized she was only endangering him.

Another growl let Cara know that the wolf had remained nearby. Instinct had her turning toward the animal as the shots now turned on her. The bullets shot dirt up as she ran for the trees.

She dimly heard Jericho yelling, but Cara didn’t hesitate; she had to draw the shooter away from him. She didn’t want him hurt because of her.

She ran harder toward the waiting wolf, and when she reached him, he turned, running deeper into the woods. Cara followed as fast as she could. The animal moved quickly, but her fear gave her speed.

It was several minutes before her body began to tire. As she slowed, gasping for breath and barely able to keep up with the fast wolf, it turned to growl at her, and she got a good look at the animal. It was huge with a dark brown coat.

It walked back to her and took the bottom of her jacket into his mouth, tugging at her. Given no choice, Cara once again started following the animal as he led her to a concealed cave. It was so overgrown with brush, if she hadn’t seen with her own eyes when the animal disappeared behind the foliage, she would missed it, even from just a few feet away.

It was dark inside, and Cara began to doubt the wisdom of hiding with the wolf. Then the wolf began whining, so Cara moved to stand next to it and felt him take her coat in his jaws again, tugging her down until she was sitting on her knees.

“I guess you want me to sit?” Cara asked, knowing the wolf would be unable to answer.
