Page 38 of Soul of a Man

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“So we’re not a couple, but it was you who wanted to know if I was your woman yesterday. What was that?”

Jericho shrugged. “It was a moment of adrenaline, responding to the danger around us.”

“That was it? So, let me get this straight; you want to fuck me when you want to with no strings attached?”

Anger darkened his eyes. “It’s called friends with benefits.”

“Well, I’m learning all kinds of useful information from you, Jericho. I just can’t express my gratitude for your guidance.”

In other words, he wanted to have sex with her without the emotional attachment. The stubborn man refused to acknowledge what was happening between them.

Jericho tried not to notice how her breasts strained against the thin T-shirt, how her anger was making her breasts jiggle with her quickened breathing. His hands clenched into fists to keep himself from grabbing the firm mounds of flesh.

He watched as she turned to walk over to the pretty table she had set.

“And since you don’t want to eat the breakfast I cooked because I might misinterpret what it means, let’s see if you can figure out what this means.” With the speed of a striking snake, she picked up a glass of the orange juice and flung the cold contents into his face.

Stunned, Jericho was motionless for a second until he saw her reach for the bowl of scrambled eggs. Quickly, he moved forward, grabbing her arm.

“Put them down,” he ordered.

“My pleasure.” With a twist of her fingers, she let the eggs slip out of her hand, and the bowl with the hot eggs landed on his bare feet.

“Damn, that hurt.”

“Good.” Cara moved to grab the biscuits.

“Stop it, Cara!” Jericho tried to stop her, but slipped in the eggs and barely managed to catch himself from falling on the floor by grabbing the edge of the table for balance.

Cara helped by pushing his head forward into the platter of biscuits. While he was off balance, she then used all her strength to smash his face into them.

“Cut it out!” Jericho finally managed to get his balance in the slippery mess, barely able to breathe. He also managed to extract himself from the enraged woman’s hands. “Have you lost your mind?”

“Yes, and you have driven me to it, you idiot!” Still not content with the damage she had inflicted upon him, Cara moved in on him again.

Jericho had enough sense to know when to get the hell out of dodge, and this was it. He moved to slide by the enraged woman, but she blocked his exit. This wasn’t going to be pretty.

Jericho tried tact. “Look, Cara, maybe I was wrong and read more into the situation than there was. I’m sorry.”

Jericho got nervous when he saw the calculating smile begin to curl her luscious lips.

“You weren’t mistaken, Jericho. In fact, you were right. I was trying to do what normal couples do on a Sunday morning, and if you’re trying to keep me from caring about you, then you’re too late. You see, I have fallen in love with you, and no matter how much of a jackass you show yourself to be, it won’t change that fact.”

She couldn’t explain to herself why she felt so sure of her feelings for him; they just were there. Like the instinct to breathe and eat, you just knew you had to have them to survive.

“You don’t love me.”

The actual thought that she may love him had fear clenching his stomach. They had only been together for a few days. He took longer to pick out a new pair of jeans than it had supposedly taken her to fall in love with him.

“Yes, I do.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Jericho,” Cara sighed. “No matter how many times you deny it, you won’t change my feelings.”

This time, Jericho didn’t let her stop him from leaving the room; he pushed past her, but Cara doggedly followed him down the hall. When he went into his room and slammed the door behind him, she followed. Jericho was jerking his egg-stained jeans down his hips while Cara admired his firm ass. She also couldn’t help staring at his cock straining upward, not missing the small gleam of moisture clinging to the crest. He may be furious with her, but he wanted her … badly.

“Get out!”
