Page 44 of Soul of a Man

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Reaching blindly behind her, she grabbed the first thing she could and rushed forward. Bending down while dodging thrashing arms and legs, Cara brought the heavy frying pan down on Billy’s skull.

Billy went limp, and Jericho tore the gun away from his now unresisting hand. He got to his feet, not taking his eyes off the unconscious man.

Both of them stood, staring down at Billy, unable to believe how close the man had come to killing them.

Grimm moved forward, turning their attention to him.

She gave him a relieved smile. “I’m sorry you’ll be leaving alone.”

Grimm shook his head. “You know better than that, Cara. Once dispatched, we always have a soul to collect.”

“But I’m fine.” She quickly inspected Jericho, and then it finally dawned on her who Grimm was there for.

Everyone turned to look at Billy who lay unmoving on the floor. He was not unconscious; he was dead.

Cara’s heart broke. She had taken a life.

She began to cry as she thought of the sweet boy who had been so kind to her when she had needed help.

Grimm nodded as Cara noticed a dark glow form beside him. A doorway behind them opened as Grimm and Billy’s spirit turned to enter it.

“Grimm, please, ask him who sent him here to kill me.”

Grimm turned to the dark glow, but they couldn’t hear them speaking. Finally, Grimm turned back to them and shook his head.

“He doesn’t know, only that it was a woman. She wore a cape that covered her body.”

Grimm bent down to the still body and lifted it into his arms.

“What are you doing?”

“His life was taken because an immortal interfered. I can try to repair the damage someone else has done.”

“Thank you, Grimm.”

Grimm nodded. ”Good luck, Cara. Be careful, little one. I miss having you around.” He gave her a smile before turning once again to the dark glow. Both moved toward a doorway that opened as they walked closer.

Grimm gave a final wave as they disappeared within.

Jericho turned to Cara. “What will happen?”

Billy had shown an abnormal strength, and Jericho didn’t know how much longer he could have held him off.

Cara began to shake. “I don’t know. We can’t return a life once it is taken, but Grimm will find a way if anyone can. He’s very determined when he sets his mind to something. We have had many fights over a soul, and I was never able to save one from him.”

Jericho’s arms surrounded her shaking body, trying to share his warmth.

It was hitting her hard that she had been responsible for a death, even though she had saved Jericho’s life.

“You go lie down, and I’ll clean the kitchen.”

“No, I want to help.”

Jericho started to argue yet ultimately thought it would help take her mind off Billy and who was trying to kill her.

They set to work and got the kitchen cleaned in little time. To cheer Cara up, he then made her favorite for dinner.

“You think spaghetti is going to make me feel better?”
