Page 47 of Soul of a Man

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She enjoyed the hot shower as it soothed her aching body, grinning at the memories of what had brought about the pleasurable aches.

She dressed in jeans and one of Jericho’s T-shirts before reentering the bedroom debating waking Jericho, but decided not to. The poor man needed his rest since she had plans for later that night.

Frowning, Cara walked to the bedroom window. It was getting dark outside hours before sundown, and she thought a storm was approaching. She looked out the window, and what she saw terrified her.

Running back to the bed, she shook Jericho, who woke immediately.

“We have to get out of here!”

He didn’t waste precious time. Jumping out of the bed, he grabbed his jeans and pulled them on. Cara handed him his shirt and shoes.

“What’s wrong?”

“There’s an eclipse.”

He finished putting on his shoes and frowned at her. “That’s nothing to worry about.”

Hurriedly, Cara explained, “An eclipse is the only time when your world is invisible to ours. Whoever is trying to kill us will remain unseen by my mother and aunt.”

Tugging his hand, they hurried out of the bedroom and down the hall.

“Where are your truck keys?”

Jericho reached for them on a small table by the door. “Cara, just slow down a second.”

Cara wanted to scream at him, knowing there was no time. Whoever was after them would not let this opportunity slip through their fingers.

“We’ll talk in the truck on the way to town, but right now, we need to get out!”

Jericho nodded and reached out to open the door, but it wouldn’t open. He tried harder, but it wouldn’t budge.

“Let’s try the back door.”

Cara shook her head. “It’s too late.”

From where they were standing, they could see the window in the living room, and it was completely dark outside now.

They moved into the living room where Jericho started to move toward his gun cabinet, but Cara stopped him.

“It won’t do any good.”

“If someone comes, it will help a lot!”

Sadly, Cara wrapped herself against Jericho, terrified for them both. Two mortals trying to battle an immortal … It was unwinnable. They weren’t going to survive.

“What she is trying to tell you is that your human weapons are useless against an immortal. Isn’t that right, Cara?”

Jericho felt Cara stiffen in his arms before she turned to face the woman who had appeared in the room.

“Morgana?” Cara stared at the beautiful woman in disbelief.

“You didn’t suspect me?” The woman preened at her achievement. “I worried that my spell on that stupid boy would point toward me, and certainly the magic I used in the corridor of life, but it is good to know I covered my tracks so well.”

“You didn’t. I just didn’t think you were powerful enough. Merlin, yes, but you? Not in a million years.”

Rage filled Morgana’s face. “You dare to insult me when I hold your lives in my hands?”

“It’s the truth. Pretend otherwise all you want. You may have enough power to bespell Billy, but not to enter the corridor.”
