Page 9 of Soul of a Man

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Destiny took a step back. “She couldn’t make it farther—”

“Just as I now have no choice.” Fate was so angry she shook. “He is the only one strong enough to protect her. Hopefully, we can get her from him before he does too much damage.”

Fate took a last look at the sky and saw that things were going accordingly before she turned and headed back inside the palace.

“Where are you going now?” Destiny questioned.

Fate answered without turning back, “Where I swore I would never go again—to see Odin. But first, I plan to change.”

Destiny followed Fate up the marble staircase to her room, watching her change her gown—always white—to another shearer one. The lowered neckline showed much more than a glimpse of her breasts; it barely covered them. Her nipples were clearly visible through the shear fabric. The gown hugged her figure tightly, showing her still firm stomach and flaring hips. It also provided a hint of the vee between her thighs and her long, trim legs. Diamond-studded sandals flashed as she moved around her room.

“Out to impress?” Destiny stared in amusement.

Fate shrugged. “I want you to go to Cara. Watch out for her, help when you can.”

Destiny nodded. “Broni and Zerina?”

“I have already sent others to help them. They are in danger, but not as immediate as Cara.”

“Who did you send?” Something told her she didn’t want to know, especially when Fate’s face turned red.

She didn’t look her in the eyes, giving Destiny a feeling she wasn’t going to like her sister’s answer.

“Valentine will be assisting Broni.”

Destiny didn’t try to keep the suspicion out of her voice when she asked, “Who are you sending to Zerina?”


“Now I know you have lost your mind. Valentine, I can understand—he’s their father—but Jinx? She’s more likely to get Zerina killed than help her.”

“I have to take that chance.” Fate brushed out her dark hair, leaving it loose. Odin liked it that way.

She planned to use every asset she had to get Odin to help. The stubborn god could not be pushed, but maybe he could be seduced.

Chapter 3

“Come on; I need a beer. Tomorrow is our last day on this job, so let’s celebrate,” Billy wheedled.

The three other men in the cramped hotel room looked at the young man as if he had lost his mind.

“We’re beat, kid. We all have a few years on you, and it’s been a long job.”

The men all looked like they had been through a war zone. They had just constructed a building, which should have taken over a year to build, within seven months. Each had worked their ass off to reach their bonus for completing the job early. They had worked together before on many construction jobs and got along well together.

“Jericho, how about you?” Billy turned to the man lying sprawled on his bed, having just taken a shower.

“I’m out for the night. You’ll find nothing in their local bar except trouble. Besides, I’m headed home after they give our pay. I have a long drive ahead of me, so being half asleep and nursing a hangover is just asking for trouble.”


“No thanks, kid.” The oldest member of the team was often the most ready to head out for a cold beer. The fact that he had said no spoke of the men’s weariness.

“Well, I guess I’m on my own. See you guys later.” Billy left the room, whistling.

The next morning, the men were drinking their morning coffee, impatient for the last of the inspectors to finish. Barring any failures, the men would all be paid. Personal vehicles were already loaded and gassed, ready to head out to their various homes.

Jericho watched the men talk as he walked with the inspectors. This part always clenched his gut. Sometimes, you got real assholes who only liked the aggravation failing an inspection could cause; others were just looking to get their palms greased for the passing sticker.
