Page 48 of Reckless Desire

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Five years had gone by since Chase had asked me to marry him. Five glorious years filled with love, laughter, and new experiences. Neither of us had ever wanted to wait to get married before we met. The idea just didn’t seem possible for two broken people like us. Then one day changed everything. The day I met Chase all my dreams suddenly became realities. So, after he proposed, we didn’t want to wait any longer. Maybe we thought we would jinx ourselves or wake up from the wonderful bliss that was our life. So, we rushed off the next day and I became Mrs. Spencer Chase. Without family, the only two people who we wanted to invite were Jax and Avery.

With our two best friends, Chase and I were married in a small, white chapel just off the Vegas Strip by an Elvis Presley impersonator. It only seemed fitting and as ridiculous as it might appear to those on the outside, our wedding was absolutely perfect to us.

We spent our honeymoon night on a flight to Hawaii where Chase and I spent a week alone. It wasn’t until we returned home that I found out I was pregnant. Not wanting me to deal with the stress anymore, Chase demanded that I stop working at the casino.

To be honest, I didn’t even argue with him. Avery and I finished our degrees and then with the help of Chase, started our own graphic design business where we created book covers and websites for businesses. Chase continued to work security, but he cut back his hours. He wanted to be at every doctor’s appointment with me and once our son, Jagger, was born, Chase refused to be anywhere but around us.

To say I was scared of becoming a parent was an understatement. I had never wanted kids. After living in fear as a child, I never wanted to put another human through what I had gone through. But, Chase assured me our child would be loved and never have to go through the pain and hate we both experienced. I believed him, I always did.

The more I realized this baby was conceived in love and would have two parents who would do everything in our power to make sure it would be safe, I knew everything would be alright.

I still remember how Chase responded when the doctor told us that we were having a boy.

“Hell yes!” he had screamed in the small doctor’s office. Leaning down, he had kissed me. “I only want one queen and that’s you,” he said as he smiled at the small baby in my belly.

With Jax and Avery dating, I had my best friend around all of the time. When Jagger arrived, Chase stopped working at the casino. Jax had gone back into fighting and needed a trainer and manager and had forced Chase to join his team. I was happy because it meant I could see Chase more. They trained at our in-home gym and I had everyone I loved around me all of the time.

Now, five years later with three beautiful boys, Chase and I finally found a home in a quiet suburban neighborhood outside of Denver, Colorado. Looking back at how much I had gone through in my life; both the good and the bad, I wouldn’t have changed a single moment. Because, every moment I endured in my life led me to the wonderful man I loved, the beautiful boys I now raised, and the life I led. While my past had faded into the back of my mind, I still smiled as I thought about how much I had overcome and how much I had won.
