Page 23 of Death Trap

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“I’ve been there several times, but a voice taught me how to get out. They were there to help me the other times too.” My words have everyone pausing. They’re clearly disturbed by the information and there’s a ripple of fear in the room now. I get not everyone likes change but Thea and I are hardly a menace.

“She did mention how loud it was in there, but it was silent for me. I couldn’t hear the voice that spoke to her, but that voice was able to get us out. She glows in the void like a beacon in the night. It’s how I found her and I think that’s what the other voices are drawn to,” Thea explains.

Everyone around the table stares at me like I’m a puzzle they can’t quite figure out. I feel like a lab rat on display and it’s a feeling I don’t care for.

“I want you on minimal reaping duties for a few days while you test out working together. We aren’t a group of stuffy old men, we can handle a little change.” The Councilman who spoke to us first says pointedly, glancing at his comrades. There are a few rumbles of protest but most stay silent.

“This isn’t how things are done, Head Councilor,” one argues but quickly silences himself at the Head Councilor’s glare.

“This isn’t a normal case,” he says firmly before turning to us with a smile. “If this spirit said you are a team, and you found her in a chance encounter, I’m not one to challenge that. You will report to the Master Reaper that relieves you of the soul you reap. They will report back to me on your progress. Understood?”

“Of course,” I say quickly and Thea mimics my words with a slight bow. We’re both out of our element on display like this.

“Thank you ladies. Arianna, please give Thea the usual reaper introduction, minus the training. Move them into rooms next to each other as well. I’d like them as close as possible just in case there are negative effects from being apart,” he demands. Arianna doesn’t look at all happy with being ordered to help us.

“It will be easier to move Thea to a room next to Luz since Luz is already settled into hers. I’ll send up your new identification once it is ready. Your clothes will be moved over soon as well,” she offers curtly, before stomping off down the hall with the guys following her.

“What the hell did you do to her, Luz?” Thea demands through her laughter. “She’s an arse for sure, but she acts like you stole her favorite puppy.”

“I literally did nothing. She must have heard about my outing with Liam and Mason. But she wasn’t exactly a sweetheart before then either. Apparently she has a thing for Liam,” I explain with an eyeroll. In truth, I don’t give a fuck who wanted them before I arrived. Now that I’m here I’m staking my claim and I’m not one to share.

“Are you guys together?” she asks curiously. I shake my head no and she almost looks disappointed.

“That’s a shame. They’re both hot and they are both smitten with you,” she teases.

“Smitten?” I snort at her words, but honestly they bother me. Only because there’s truth in them. Spending time with them was easy, too easy, and I craved them in ways I shouldn't already.

Once I reach my room, I point to Thea’s next door, a shiny name tag on the door already. She opens the door and wrinkles her nose, clearly hating the white walls and furniture as much as I do.

“They’re clearly trying to kill us with brightness,” she snarks.

“On the plus side you get a credit card with unlimited funds. I just bought stuff tonight at the mall to make my room not suck so much,” I offer and she gapes at me.

“Unlimited? Can I buy some new clothes and a tablet?” she asks excitedly.

“I literally bought hundreds of dollars’ worth of lipstick, video games, and fabric,” I explain. “Though now I have to track the guys down to get it.”

“Amazing. I’m going to nap until she brings my stuff up, but can I stop by later?” Suddenly my spunky little sister is gone, and she looks self-conscious.

“Of course. You can come over anytime,” I promise, giving her a quick hug before she goes inside, closing the door behind her.

The afterlife is strange. One minute I’m alone, the next I’m hanging out with two sexy as sin reapers, the next I have an honorary little sister and a whole council curious about me.

My jaw drops as I enter my adjacent room. My bed has several bags on it, but across from my bed is a long television stand with the TV and game systems already set up. I do a quick happy dance as I take it all in.

“I take it that little dance is a good sign?” Sam’s voice speaks up from behind me. I freeze for a moment and close my eyes in embarrassment.Why do hot guys always catch me being weird?

“Mason told me that you liked games, so I had him find you the TV stand and I set it up while you were gone,” he explains, sounding almost unsure. I turn around to look at him and he has the sweetest smile on his face. Gone is the stoic asshole I’d met the first day on the job.

“Thank you Sam, it’s perfect,” I say as I take it all in again.

“I got that from that cute shimmy you just did,” he teases and I pick up a pillow and throw it at him.

“Don’t judge my dances, I’m also a badass when I need to be,” I growl playfully.

“I don’t doubt that for a second, Luz.” His tone is serious again and I meet his eyes. The emerald orbs are full of heat now and I clench my thighs in response.

“I’ll see you later, Luz,” he says with a nod before walking out and closing the door behind him. My breath comes out in a woosh as I drop on the side of the bed.

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