Page 76 of Want It

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Home, she thought. This was what home was like. She wrapped her arms around him tight, not wanting to let him go.

“Are you okay?” he asked softly, his breath brushing her temple as he took the pins out of her twist.

She burrowed into him. “Much better now.”

“I can draw you a bath. Have you eaten? I can order dinner and pour you some whiskey and you can talk to me. Or we can put on a movie and veg. Or I can just hold you.”

She smiled against his neck. “I want you.”

His body stilled against hers. “In what capacity?”

“In a sexual capacity.” Putting her hand on his chest, she lifted her head to look him in the eye. What she saw in his beautiful eyes made her heart clench. She swallowed the feelings, not sure what to do with them, not sure what they were.

She had a sneaking suspicion though.

Clearing her throat, she said, “Didier had told me that to feel ready for the mediation I needed to relax, and sex is the ultimate way to get there. He basically told me I should bang you as often as I could,” she said, knowing she was taking liberties with Didier’s opinion but figuring he’d be okay with it.

Danny frowned. “Normally I’d say Pascal is full of shit, but he may be onto something there.”

She nodded. “I have too many clothes on to achieve that.”

“I was just thinking that,” he murmured, trailing his lips back up, kissing under her chin before looking in her eyes. “I’m going to kiss you for a long time. I’m giving you fair warning.”

Yes, please.She arched her neck to signal that he should start there. “I wouldn’t have taken you to play fair.”

“Right now, I play fair. Later I’ll play dirty.” He slowly lowered his mouth to hers, taking a nip of her lower lip. “Verydirty.”

She held her breath as he kissed her. It was gentle, as if he wanted her to pay attention—as if he was trying to tell her something.

She couldn’t help but pay attention. The defenses she’d put up today to protect herself began to melt away under his amazingly gentle lips. His tongue teased her into opening to him—not just physically but emotionally.

She didn’t even think about it. She just let him in.

He made a humming sound that pulled at something in her core, and she made a sound very unlike herself. Snaking her hands between them, she started to unbutton her coat.

“Uh-huh,” he murmured against her mouth. He took her hands and slowly lifted them over her head, holding her there. “I get to take care of you this time. Please,” he added with a kiss.

“Then get on with it,” she ordered, moaning when he licked at the base of her neck. God, she wanted his mouth lower.

“Don’t rush me.” He transferred her wrists to his one big hand and looked down her body, pressing his forehead to hers. “You’re wet.”

She snorted. “No kidding.”

“No, I mean your clothes are soaked. You’re cold.” He frowned. “We should get you out of them and warm you up.”

“That’s what I’ve been telling you,” she said, sliding her leg between his and nudging his package.

He hummed again, rubbing himself against her knee, but his focus stayed on her. “You walked from 110 N. Wacker?”

“There were no taxis,” she murmured, putting her hands on his waist to warm them.

He gave a little yelp, but he moved her hands up closer to his armpits to warm them up. “Don’t you have an umbrella? You’ll catch a cold like that. It’s freezing here.”

“It was just a little rain, and the Chicago wind turns umbrellas into kindling. Besides, I didn’t want to wait any longer to see you.”

Suddenly, he picked up her purse, handed it to her, and then hauled her into his arms.

“The bedroom’s that way,” she said, pointing at the room when he went past it.
