Page 78 of Want It

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Just like that, her body spasmed with pleasure. Her neck arched and she cried out, grinding herself against him for more.

He chuckled. “Like that. I don’t know why I didn’t try it sooner.”

She arched her hips and rolled him over. She knew he let her—he was a very solid man—so she also knew he wanted her to give to him like he’d just given to her.

Straddling him, she ground herself on him, a steady rhythm that had him gripping her hips desperately. But it was win-win, because she felt herself begin to climb again too.

She looked into his face, slowing when she saw the tender way he was looking at her. That thing clenched in her chest again, and she slowed her gyrations down so she could fully pay attention to what was going on.

“Jules,” he murmured, spearing his fingers into her hair and making a gentle fist to bring her mouth down to his.

“Yes,” she whispered, her eyes still on his.

“Come with me this time.”

This time it was a request, not a demand, but her body treated it the same way. She felt it rise up, eager to give them both what they wanted.

He buried his face into her neck, driving himself steadily into her over and over. “I love you,” she felt him say against her skin more than she heard it.

It should have stalled her, but it propelled her right over into ecstasy. She cried out, writhing on top of him until she felt him clutch her in his hands and cry out too, her name like a benediction on his lips.

She wasn’t sure how long the ripples flowed over her. Eventually they both calmed. Danny pulled out and took care of the condom and then came back to gather her in his arms.

“Dinner or a nap?” he asked softly.

“Or more sex?” she asked hopefully.

“That goes without saying,” he replied with a kiss to her temple. “Rest first. I’ve got you.”

She closed her eyes and let him hold her.


His cell phone ringing woke him up entirely too early in the morning.

He jolted awake, scrambling to turn the ringer off before it disturbed Jules, who was still asleep, clinging to him. He liked how she wrapped herself around him at night, her legs tangled in his and her hands in his braids.

Once his phone was silent, he looked at the number and frowned. It was a London number he didn’t recognize.

Easing out from under Jules, he took his phone and answered the call, waiting to speak until he’d closed the bedroom door and was in the living room. “Hello?”

“Mr. Gilbert?” a stiff British voice asked.

He stilled. He’d learned from his time in England that stiff voices like that never boded well. “Yes?”

“This is Stephen Rothwell, the managing director from First Coventry Bank.”

“Yes?” he said again, relaxing a little. That was his bank. It wasn’t unusual for them to call to verify large transfers, and he’d just made one to his brokerage account.

“We have a slight imbroglio here.”

He shook his head, pushing his loose braids out of his face. “I have no idea what that means, man.”

The man sighed. Danny could practically hear him thinkheathen. “We have an incident regarding your account.”

That got his attention. “What sort of incident?”

“We caught a man trying to steal from your account with a forged check.”
