Page 134 of Love You Anyway

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I have always loved her heart and the way she loves so deeply and truly. That hasn’t changed either. It’s hard, though, real hard. I never want her to hurt.

She told me that she felt awful about how she hadn’t even touched her daughter’s belly, and it upset her. I felt a bit guilty about that because I should have waited, although she was the one to initiate, and once that happened, I could not think of anything else but her.


Behind my desk, in my officeagain, after Bones and my chat about his failure to let me know he was a plant, I’m feeling better knowing he’s still my main man. How do I trust this aside from Collin being the one involved? The fucker laughed and said, “I got your back, Links. That’s all that matters.”

I’m doing my best to not text or call her often. I want her to enjoy Harper and her pregnancy now that she knows she can. I did send her a package after three days. One with a movie, popcorn, and candy. I hope she and Harper can enjoy a lazy day together in the hotel.

I receive a text.

- A Disney movie? … TT

- You turned me on to them. Bambi, remember? Then I had to watch them with my sisters, and then Ava, and I always had a release day marathon for all things Disney. All because of you. She and I watched this together on the phone. Don’t ask and don’t judge. This is all your fault. By the way, thanks for that … LYA

- Frozen? Is there any significance to this and my mannerisms as of late? … TT

- I refuse to answer that question. I will say that there is a happily ever after in both … LYA

- Thank you. It is very sweet of you. Concert in two days, and then home … TT

- Are you forgetting another big day coming up? The day after the concert … LYA

- I really hope you don’t mean what I think you do. It’s an awful number, you know … TT

- I hit it a few months back, and I will tell you it’s a fucking great number. Everything is uphill from here. Thank God we’re both in such great shape, or the climb would be difficult. Thank God we have each other to encourage and assist when needed. From here on out, it’s slow, leisurely, enjoyable, and very climax-tic. It’s a word, trust me … LYA

- Harper will be here soon. We have a movie date. Please don’t make a big deal out of my birthday. Thanks again … TT

- Text me if you need me. I have some papers to get signed … LYA

- Divorce? … TT

- Yes … LYA

- I’m sorry, Lucas … TT

- I’m not, Tessa. And by your birthday. Coincidence? I think not … LYA

- If you want to talk about it, I’m here … TT

- All I wanna know is what you’ll accept a birthday gift from me, and will I be seeing you … LYA

- We’ll be home. I think I can swing by. You know what I want for my birthday. You for a few hours … TT

- If you could see this smile, you’d realize that’s not a gift to you but to me. I promise to make it a good night … LYA


“Something’s not right, Bones,” I say, looking down at the papers.

“I agree. You really should talk—”

I hold up my finger and answer the phone. “Hey, Ava.”

“You still coming to the concert?”

“Sure am. I just have some paperwork that needs my attention.”
