Page 41 of Love You Anyway

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“Yeah, actually, it has been.”

“Logan, you play ball?”

“Hell yes, I do.” He sticks his hand out and shakes José’s.

“College ball?”

“No, sir, high school,” Logan answers.

“Why the hell are you shit-faced then?”

“Why the hell aren’t you?” Logan laughs. “After an ass beating by the Cowboys, I would be if I were you.”

Tessa throws her arm up on Logan’s shoulder. “Ass. Kicked.”

“Logan, I hope to see you play someday.” José looks at me. “You know your boy is drunk, don’t you?”

“Not sure how that happened.” I look at Ava, who starts laughing. “Grounded, both of you.” I point at them.

José laughs. “Can I take you all out to dinner?”

“Look at them; do you think they should be out in public?” I laugh when Tessa slugs me in the arm. “Stop by the hotel. After the drunks are all tucked in, we can grab a drink and something to eat there.”

“Sounds good. Tessa, you in?” José asks.

“Sure am.”

“Give me an hour. I have some more asses to ream.”



Harper isn’t looking good in the back seat.

“Harper, that boy loves you, and you love him, so don’t fight.”

“I told him not to go.” She sniffs and wipes her tears.

“I know you did, but I’m pretty sure he couldn’t help himself. If it makes you feel any better, I told him to go home and he didn’t listen to me, either.”

“It doesn’t make me feel”—she hiccups—“any better.”

“I bet sleep will. How much did you drink, Harper?”

She pouts. “Four.”

I have to stop myself from laughing. Four drinks and she’s spent? Poor kid.

As soon as I pull into the underground parking garage, Harper unbuckles, rolls down the window, and sticks her head out as I zip into an empty spot next to the elevator.

Shit. She leans out the window and hurls.

Ava starts laughing, and so does Logan.

“All right there, girl.” I open the door and try to avoid the puke as her head wobbles.

“Sorry, I …”
