Page 18 of Missing

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“What do you mean, what happens? We keep searching until—”

He held up a finger, brushing the digit along her lips. “I already told you what happened when I publicly investigated.” He held her a bit tighter. “I will not allow you to be hurt. If it gets too dangerous, we must have another plan.”

She gasped as she looked up at him. “What do you suggest?

Suddenly, his mind was clear again for the first time in days. “We run. We’ll hire someone to sell your house, we’ll go to one of the distant properties of the marquessate until we have enough money to move to America or Spain or—”

“Run away together?”

“Disappear,” he said with a nod of his head. “I can tell you honestly that I wanted justice for Marcus, but even more than that, I’ve always wished to keep you safe. It’s more important than anything else and I won’t stay in England if it means you’re in danger.”

She stared at him for a moment before she moved closer, and then her lips crashed into his.


His mouthboth burned her like fire and soothed the ache that had been building inside her. She knew she shouldn’t kiss him. No matter how much he still cared, no matter how much he’d abandoned her for her own safety, he’d still left her.


For three long and lonely years.

How did someone forgive that? Perhaps it was far easier to forget with their mouths moving together.

He slanted her lips open, his tongue plundering her mouth in the most delicious way. This was not a gentle kiss but an explosion of long-built passion, and as she clung to his neck, all she could think wasmore.

More of him, of his kisses, and of his touch. She needed…

The carriage slowed to a stop, the horse letting out a whinny as he shook his head.

Slowly, Rebecca pulled back, looking up into Bennet’s eyes. Their mouths were no more than an inch or two apart as they stared at one another.

“We’re here,” he said, his voice ragged and craggy.

“I know,” she answered, breathless with want. But she had to focus. This was an opportunity they might not have again.

He snapped the door open. “Rebecca.”

“I know.” She nodded. “We’ll talk after. I promise.”

Bennet gave a single jerk of his chin. “I’m holding you to it.”

He would. He’d always admired her strength while having plenty of his own. He helped her from the hack, and they slipped into an alley, the dark swallowing them. She had no idea where they were, but she followed Bennet, his sure strides making her confident that he knew the way.

She was confident about something else too—that he’d keep her safe.

And his words about running away. They were another chip in the shield of anger she’d built around her heart. Perhaps she’d thought that revenge had been his real motive. Would he really leave the investigation behind to ensure her safety?

The idea made her head spin with possibility. Would they settle in America? Buy another farm? Would they be content with that life? Maybe. Had the last six years provided a lifetime of intrigue and adventure? She didn’t know.

She was tired. But not necessarily of investigation. What had truly worn her out was…being without him. But they could not return to what they’d been. And she’d not be with a man who would try to put her in some protective bubble.

She wanted a partner.

He stopped, looking back at her and raising a finger to his lips. She remained silent and still to show she understood. They began skirting a large building, voices filtering from the street beyond.

“Is this it?” she asked in a low whisper.

“Yes,” he answered as he pointed to a small window well above their heads. “I’m going to lift you.” And then he knelt in front of her, indicating that she climb on his shoulders.
